Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Marcus Addison!

It’s a pleasure to welcome creative writer, Marcus Addison, to the blog to chat about his latest picture book, The Not-so-little Tree. This is a fascinating philosophical tale of ‘growing’ to learn the insights, foresights, knowledge and wisdom as passed down through the generations – all told gently through the life cycles of trees. It’s a beautiful analogy, given the incredible sapience we can gain from the nature around us if only we allow ourselves to get lost in the moment. Paired with the warm and sensitive illustrations by Sejung Kim, this is a touching, beautiful and thought-provoking book that certainly ‘leaves’ a lasting impression on its readers.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful story with us, Marcus! 🙂

About the Author

Marcus Addison is an Australian author from The Shire, Australia. Currently studying for a Masters in creative writing at Sydney University, he loves to write about many things, especially trees. His
dream is to cover the earth in green again and is inspired by his children who he believes are the generation chosen to bring nature back
into balance throughout the world. He once vowed never to grow up and he hopes his broad life experience in finance, teaching and healthcare doesn’t hinder his writing of people and nature.

Find Marcus Addison at www.iaskif.com.

The Not-so-little Tree is available for purchase through Amazon. More information can be found at Starfish Bay Publishing.

WHO wrote, illustrated and published this book?

I chose the words (I hope you like them) and Starfish Bay Publishing chose my story and the illustrator, Sejung Kim. Sejung chose the look and feel of my story with her amazing illustrations (I know you’ll like them!)

WHAT is it about?

The Not-so-little Tree is about a little tree that sees a big, big tree and wants to be like her. The big, big tree says, ‘Don’t wish your life away, you will have your day in the sun.’ They spend many, many seasons together before the inevitable day when the little tree, who is now ‘not-so-little’, must face the world alone. The not-so-little tree must now use the big tree’s years of knowledge to face what is yet to come. But all she has told him was so cryptic. The wisdom is in realising what she really meant.

What is your favourite part of this book?

I guess it’s the ending (which I won’t spoil). Though it is not funny, some of my readers have felt a certain catharsis that relates to their lives. I hope that it points out something that my readers know about themselves but have forgotten and now remember again, with the help of the trees.

WHEN did you begin writing this book?

In the spring of 2022. It came to me in a moment, and I quickly wrote around 600 words with a working title, The Little Tree. Countless edits (some with the help of writer, editor, illustrator and environmental activist Marlo Garnsworthy from Rhode Island) and several years later, here we are.

When is its release / launch date?

The Not-so-little Tree was released on the 5th of February 2025.

WHERE did the inspiration for this book come from?

I’ve had many great mentors in my life. The big, big tree character is a conglomeration of all of them. I dedicated this book to my Mum. She gave me life, as her mother gave her. Then she taught me how to live. I also talk about my grandmothers to my children all the time. While technology changes, their lessons still stand strong.

I also write mostly about trees. They give us shade, oxygen and wisdom (if you listen carefully). My book covers half a lifetime of two trees spent together. In The Not-so-little Tree, we see knowledge passed on from one generation to another, which becomes wisdom upon the realisation of what the actual lessons mean when it really matters.

WHY is this book meaningful to you?

To survive this world, we to need to become good at letting go of things: possessions, feelings and sometimes even people (or even trees). No matter how well we safeguard ourselves, we must eventually face losing that which we hold dearest. My story is an attempt at showing my readers that perhaps, nothing is lost forever, and to enjoy each moment as it presents itself.

Why would its message resonate with readers?

The Not-so-little Tree is written for children AND their parents and grandparents. My hope is that it helps those who are struggling with a recent loss, or someone who is in the last chapter of their life. And it is for those who are always looking for something better or always waiting for ‘tomorrow’, perhaps appreciating ‘now’ is the moment they are looking for. It’s just a switch in perspective. That’s all.

HOW do you feel about the illustrations / cover design? How do they convey the feeling or mood you envisioned?

Brilliant! Sejung Kim is a well-published master. When I see my book hidden in a row of picture books, it really stands out. Being born in South Korea and living in Paris, Sejung has found the balance of the Eastern philosophy embedded in my story, within the Western tradition of artistic creativity. I am sorry to say that many of my readers have wept when reading, though I’m secretly glad that my words and Sejung’s art have touched on an important area of their lives.

How have you promoted this book and how can we find it?

Starfish Bay Publishing and Alliance Distribution have done an amazing job. The Not-so-little Tree was well-received at the recent Taipei Book Fair and soon to be exhibited at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in April.

I’m looking forward to my first school visit at my daughter’s school (wish me luck) and have been invited to a few book and philosophy clubs. I am happy to make more visits if I’m needed.

You can find my book on Amazon, at Dymocks and many boutique book shops in Australia, UK, and even New York (or my trusty local, The Best Little Book Shop in Town in sunny Cronulla).

OTHER information or experiences you’d like to share?

I’ve greatly enjoyed looking at my creation from the perspective of The Quick Six questions. Thank you for asking and thank you for reading. If you ever need me, I will be there.

PS. Here is a quick video of me bringing my ‘not-so-little’ tree into 3D for school visits. I use it to hold my giveaway bookmarks to give to school kids…

Thanks so much and congratulations on such a beautiful and enlightening book, Marcus! 🙂

#thequicksixinterview #thenotsolittletree #generations #nature #picturebook #justkidslit

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