Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Kirsten Ealand!

It’s such a pleasure to welcome talented debut picture book author, Kirsten Ealand to the blog, to share the story behind her refreshing new title, Like a Gannet. The gannet, an Australian diving bird, is cleverly depicted as a metaphor for little Francie’s interpersonal journey from apprehension to confidence, from the safety of the swimming pool to the challenge of the highest diving board. It’s a nostalgic reminder, particularly for Kirsten (but for many of us, too!) of those childhood summer days at the pool, navigating new skills and experiences in and around the water. Stunning, fresh and energising watercolour illustrations by the superb Deb Hudson splash and sparkle with glistening life, and love, and inspiring triumph. Dive right in and experience the exhilarating joy, just like a gannet!

Congratulations, Kirsten and Deb! 🙂

About the Author

Kirsten Ealand writes fresh, relatable books for kids that she hopes will leave the world a better place. Her debut picture book Like a Gannet is out in October 2024 with Windy Hollow Books and a second picture book is coming in February 2025 with Affirm Press.

Kirsten lives in a little patch of rainforest on the Far North Coast of NSW and, when she’s not writing, she works in her local public library getting kids excited about books and reading. As a child she spent long summer hours in the pool pretending to be a dolphin and has always wished she could dive like a gannet.

Please find Kirsten Ealand at her website: www.kirstenealand.com/#/like-a-gannet/ and on Instagram and Facebook.

About the Illustrator

Deb Hudson is an illustrator whose passion has always been to draw bright, happy and colourful things. She finds inspiration from all around. As a child her mother said she was ‘off with the fairies’ in her own little dream world. Dancing about in dress ups and talking to imaginary friends.

Her drawings centre around birds, flowers and occasionally dogs, rabbits, unicorns, people and many more beautiful and simple natural things.

Please find Deb Hudson at her website: https://debhudson.com/ and on Instagram | Red Bubble | Facebook | Pinterest

Like a Gannet is available for purchase from Windy Hollow Books and at online and local bookshops.

WHO wrote, illustrated and published this book?

Like a Gannet, written by Kirsten Ealand, illustrated by Deb Hudson and published by Windy Hollow Books.

WHAT is it about?

Little Francie feels capable and confident in the water, so when she watches her bigger cousins diving like gannets from the diving boards at the local pool, she wants to do it too. But can she be a gannet if she cannot even dive?

A fresh take on a first experience story, Like A Gannet is a story about feeling the fear, then doing it your own way. Explore the excitement and apprehension of the first time on the diving board in this celebration of summer days at the pool, cousins and one little fledgling who wants to be a gannet.

What is your favourite part of this book?

Ooh, hard question. I think my favourite part is the gannet metaphor that runs through the text. I love how Deb has cleverly brought the gannet into the illustrations by having a mural at the pool with diving gannets on it. Many people have never heard of a gannet, even though they have probably seen one diving for fish off the east coast of Australia. I love how the mural shows the gannet in the different stages of the dive, as it tucks its wings back and becomes almost like an arrow as it hits the water. There are old faded murals at many regional public pools, so I love how she has captured this.

WHEN did you begin writing this book?

My first draft was written in January 2021. It went to acquisitions at Windy Hollow and I was offered a contract in October 2022.

When is its release / launch date?

Out on 1st October, 2024.

WHERE did the inspiration for this book come from?

The very original inspiration for this story came from trying to capture a child’s joy – inspired by the child’s joy in picture book The Patchwork Bike by Maxine Beneba Clarke and Van T Rudd. Sometimes if there is a picture book I love, or think is exemplary in some way, I study it to try and work out what it is that makes it special for me. Then I try and write something that has that thing or quality. It’s like a little personal masterclass between me and the author and this story started out that way.

WHY is this book meaningful to you?

It’s inspired by my memories of being a child with a bigger body shape who wasn’t very sporty but who felt capable and graceful in the water. So I really wanted Francie to have a bigger body type too. It’s slowly getting better, but I still think there’s a lack of representation of diverse bodies in children’s books. I hope Francie shows kids that, with courage, they can face their fears and strive for things out of their reach, learning along the way to accept their limitations and do it their own way. Just like gannets whose short legs and webbed feet make them slow, clumsy waddlers on land, but who transform into Queens of the Sea when they dive.

Why would its message resonate with readers?

Like a Gannet is for all kids who love swimming and summer days at their local pool, want to do what the big kids are doing or like to face challenges in their own way. Because it explores the excitement and apprehension of a new experience, it’s also a great book for kids who may lack confidence to try something new.

HOW do you feel about the illustrations / cover design? How do they convey the feeling or mood you envisioned?

I’m so happy with how this book has turned out. Like a Gannet is all about Francie and the emotions she goes through trying to do something just out of her reach. Deb has captured them all – excitement, apprehension, embarrassment, courage and joy. I think this really helps the reader connect with Francie.

And I think the cover totally captures the joy of a summer day at the pool.

How have you promoted this book and how can we find it?

I’ve promoted it on my website and socials and by doing guest blogs etc. You can find it on all online bookstores, ask for it at your local indie bookstore or there’s a link from my website. Requesting it for your local library is also a great way to get your hands on a copy.

OTHER information or experiences you’d like to share?

Thanks for asking me The Quick Six, Romi. I’ve always loved reading other authors’ answers and I’m super happy to have a turn. And thanks for all you do to promote Australian Kid Lit creatives – it’s such a wonderful support.

You’re most welcome, Kirsten! It’s always a pleasure celebrating gorgeous new titles and talented authors such as yourself! 🙂

#thequicksixinterview #likeagannet #diving #confidence #picturebooks #justkidslit

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