Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Anita Zurbrugg!
We’re thrilled to welcome another new author to the blog; Anita Zurbrugg shares her humorous sibling rivalry adventure story into the life of changing family dynamics and a new baby. It’s ‘My Brother is an Alien’! Can’t wait to learn more about this lively, bright and out-of-this-world story! Thanks for being here, Anita!  🙂

About the Author

Like other adults, Anita is just a big kid (with bills!). She has written ‘My Brother is an Alien’, a children’s picture book for ages 3 and beyond.

She neither confirms nor denies whether it is based on a true story.

She believes in magic, doing something you are passionate about everyday and unleashing your creativity.

The purpose of her writing is to warm hearts and cause spontaneous smiles to light up our world.

Please follow Anita Zurbrugg at these links:

Website: https://anitazurbruggbooks.com/

Facebook | Instagram


My Brother is an Alien is available for purchase for a SPECIAL JWFK PRICE ($16 incl. postage) at Anita’s SHOP | Ocean Reeve Publishing 

WHO wrote, illustrated and published this book?

My Brother is an Alien was written by me, Anita Zurbrugg, and the illustrations were created by an illustrator who always chooses to remain anonymous with his work.  The book was published by Ocean Reeve Publishing.


WHAT is it called and what is it about? What is your favourite part of this book?

My Brother is an Alien is written from Sam’s perspective who is very suspicious about a new arrival into his family.  Sam embarks on a mission determined to expose this strange little alien arrival, although along his journey he finds that having a baby brother isn’t that bad after all.

Favourite part of the book?  I really like pages 1 to 34 … but in particular … I love the illustration style which really makes the characters and story come alive, especially the humorous detailed facial expressions.  A personal favourite illustration is the scene where Sam reminisces about all the good times he’s had with his baby brother, which include lion taming and playing poker with teddy and bunny.


WHEN is its release / launch date?

The book was released into the wild in mid February 2021.


WHERE did the inspiration for this book come from?

I was in the midst of writing an autobiography when I decided it was far more entertaining for me to write children’s books.

I also have two boys!


WHY is this book meaningful to you and why would its message resonate with readers?

This book is meaningful to me because writing it reminded me of a time long ago when I loved to write humorous stories for the pure purpose of seeing someone’s face light up when they smiled or laughed.  I then grew up, became a serious adult and thought it necessary to put my creativity aside. … until now.

This book carries a heartfelt message to children who are expecting a new arrival into their family and the emotions that can sometimes arise during this change in the family dynamics.

It also contains a message of gratitude, an appreciation for one’s family, however strange they may appear to be.

It is my hope that this book brings about smiles and giggles because this world needs more of them!

I have also teamed up with Books in Homes to donate part proceeds of every book sold to their charitable foundation that provides books of choice to children living in remote, disadvantaged and low socio-economic circumstances. It’s wonderful to be able to contribute to such a worthwhile cause.


HOW do you feel about the illustrations? Do they convey the feeling or mood you envisioned?

When creating the story, I had my heart set on the style I wanted for the illustrations to really make the book come alive as I imagined.  I was apprehensive about selecting an illustrator who could capture my vision, but I can’t help but feel extremely grateful to have found someone who did it so perfectly.  He did an amazing job at creating the illustrations which I love, down to the nitty gritty details.  The illustrator captured the story’s feel, humour and brought the characters to life.  I really couldn’t ask for any more than that.


How have you promoted this book and how can we find it?

Promotions to date include social media such as Pinterest, Facebook, various e-magazines and suppliers to libraries and schools Australia wide, kindergartens, public libraries, bookstores, Books in Homes subscribers and live readings.


My Brother is an Alien is available for purchase for a SPECIAL PRICE at Anita’s SHOP | Ocean Reeve Publishing 

The book can also be found at:

Thank you, Anita, for sharing your new story with us! 🙂

#mybrotherisanalien #siblingrivalry #family

One thought to “The Quick Six Interview with Anita Zurbrugg and My Brother is an Alien”

  • Norah

    I’m sure all brothers are aliens. 🙂 What a gorgeous book. I love the illustrations. They are captivating.


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