Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Amelia Donnelly!

We’re in for a tranquil (re)treat today as Amelia Donnelly shares her divine picture book about awakening the light in our hearts through cultural and spiritual teachings in Mia’s World. As a wellbeing and meditation educator, Amelia is devoted to empowering resilience, connection and unity amongst children. Her newest title gently guides readers to reflect upon and learn about interfaith religions and traditions; the beauty and essence of ancient and modern cultures brilliantly captured by illustrator Jennifer Bouron in warm, natural earth tones. Mia’s World is one of those rare and unique treasures with a timeless, universal appeal.

Thank you, Amelia, for your wisdom and generosity! 🙂

About the Author

Amelia Donnelly is a wellbeing educator, meditation teacher and author dedicated to helping others. Over the last twelve years she has been a full-time primary school teacher devoted to engaging and motivating students to achieve their full potential. Her love of wellbeing and resilience is born from personal experience – her older brother, James, was hit and killed in a tragic hit-and-run incident in 2002.
Amelia has completed training in Positive Education at Geelong Grammar, Mindfulness Teacher Training with Dr Craig Hassed at Monash University, achieved her Level 3 Reiki Master certification and she is also a meditation teacher of the 1 Giant Mind Being Technique. She wrote the mindfulness curriculum for the Resilience Project School’s Program and is trained in the IB PYP philosophy, Student Wellbeing and she was the Respectful Relationships Coordinator at a government primary school in Melbourne.
Amelia’s debut picture story book, The Golden Thread, sold nearly 2000 copies. During 2020 lockdown, she worked with publisher Lake Press to create a wellbeing series called, ‘Zen Zoo’ – which was a wellbeing range exclusively for Kmart. Her latest picture story book, Mia’s World, is about educating children on spirituality, inclusivity, unity & how to find wisdom from interfaith perspectives.

Please find Amelia Donnelly at her website: www.ameliadonnelly.com  | FacebookInstagram

Mia’s World is available for purchase from Little Steps and local bookstores.

WHO wrote, illustrated and published this book?

Words by: Amelia Donnelly (based in NSW).

Pictures by: Jennifer Bouron (based in France).

Published by: Little Steps 

WHAT is it about?

Mia is confused about who she is. She knows she was born in Spain but now she lives in Australia… so what does that make her? Spanish? Or Australian? And is there more to her than where she comes from? Which faith traditions hold nuggets of sacred wisdom to help her find the answer?

Mia’s World is a timeless journey steeped in ancient teachings, to remind children about the essence of their true divine nature and the spark of light within their hearts. 

What is your favourite part of this book?

When Mia sits under a ginormous gum tree and reflects on spiritual wisdom that faith elders have shared with her, she carefully studies her fingers and palm of her hand. She realises that even though it might look like the fingers are all separate from each other (like the 5 major world religions), it’s the palm (Great Spirit and universal oneness) that connects all life. She feels this wisdom blossom in her heart and understands what it feels like to be ‘divine’.

WHEN did you begin writing this book?

In the Baez (my motorhome) in May, 2022, while touring on the road with my husband (who is a professional Blues musician) and our Border Collie, Bear.

Dr Sherif Tawfillis, a dear friend and shaman, also helped contribute to the spiritual content of this text.

When is its release / launch date?

Release date: 1/9/24

Launch: Readings (Hawthorn – Melbourne) on Thursday 5th of September at 6.30PM.

WHERE did the inspiration for this book come from?

Having spent 12 years teaching in primary schools, I have taught many children of different faiths and cultures. I feel that spirituality isn’t taught or explored much in government schools and I believe that devotion, transcendence, sacredness and unity are fundamental concepts for children to learn. I am a certified meditation teacher and I am also trained in Positive Education – while I advocate strongly for children to learn about robust resilience and self-awareness, teaching children that we are more than just our bones, thoughts and emotions opens up rich conversations about our divine spiritual nature and who we really are.

WHY is this book meaningful to you?

Children can often tease or mock each other for being different – Mia’s World is about teaching children that even though we might look, feel or act differently, we are all connected by Great Spirit and divinity. That although different religions have different values or focus on different attributes, we can find commonalities that unite us and that divine spark of love and light that radiates in all our hearts.

Why would its message resonate with readers?

Because Mia’s World is educating children on inter-faith perspectives and enlivening a deeper, transcendent value that we are more than just what we look like, the colour of our skin or where we come from – we are ‘divine’ in the truest expression of our nature.  

HOW do you feel about the illustrations / cover design? How do they convey the feeling or mood you envisioned?

I am THRILLED with the illustrations Jen created. We worked closely together and had a Pinterest board with all our ideas to spark the creative process. We would often send emails to each other and brainstorm how we wanted the pages to look and feel. Jen has captured the essence of ancient religion/architecture in a modern way – this is what we wanted to convey to children by conjuring a sense of religious/sacred relevance in our modern society.

How have you promoted this book and how can we find it?

Yes! You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram: @_amelia_donnelly_author for all the latest news.

OTHER information or experiences you’d like to share?

Mia’s World is inspired by Joseph Campbell’s work on human psychology and philosophy – he is an inspiration to me. His book, “The Hero with A Thousand Faces” captures the idea of universal oneness and a deeper sense of underlying unity that connects all life. The structure of the narrative is inspired by one of my most treasured texts, Sophie’s World. When I called Little Steps to pitch my manuscript to them, the former manager had Sophie’s World on his desk. When he shared this with me, we both got goosebumps and felt a sense of ‘divine timing’.

After reading the manuscript he called me back instantly – when I answered his call, all I could hear was crying. He said to me, “Amelia, this story is divine. I have recently lost a friend and this is what I need to be reminded of right now. We would love to publish this text.”

Wow, that is truly amazing! Thanks so much for bringing this ‘divine’ book into our world, Amelia! 🙂

#thequicksixinterview #miasworld #culture #spirituality #connection #picturebook #justkidslit

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