Educational Activity: Re-Creating Scenes from Carly Mills

#CarlyMillsANewWorld #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day5 With respect to the themes of women’s rights, adventure, immigration, social philanthropy, communities in the past and present, Australian history and people of influence in Jane Smith’s Carly Mills, Pioneer Girl series, we will be exploring scenes from the book, A New World and re-creating some of what it was like […]

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Book Review: Australia Remembers by Allison Paterson

#AustraliaRemembers #blogtour #booksontour #day3 Australia Remembers: Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and War Memorials, Allison Paterson (author), Big Sky Publishing, October 2018. Blurb: AT THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN AND IN THE MORNING WE WILL REMEMBER THEM. Every year there are special days when we remember all those who have fought in the past to […]

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