Zanni Louise – Walking on Sunshine

Zanni Louise is author of picture books Too Busy Sleeping and Archie and the Bear published by Little Hare. She also has a deal for four early readers with publisher Five Mile Press and another picture book with Scholastic coming out next year. I’ve run into Zanni in cyberspace groups, shared in her enthusiasm for […]

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Shelly Unwin – Launched!

Shelly was my very first interviewee on this blog two years ago (see here, here and here) and now here she is – finally – with her series of no less than five books! And they are so gorgeous too!  It’s an absolute delight to welcome Shelly Unwin back to the JWFK blog! Thanks Debra! […]

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KidLitVic2017 Reflections

I’m still buzzing after a day of encouragement, empowerment and energy. A day filled with camaraderie, connections and reverence. KidLitVic Meet the Publishers Conference 2017 in Melbourne on May 20th certainly achieved its goals for attendees to network, showcase talents, and “kick-start, build, reinvigorate and strengthen” our creative journeys. Conference organisers, Alison Reynolds, Coral Vass, Jaquelyn […]

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#InterviewByBook with Renee Price

Title: Digby and the Yodelayhee Who? Author: Renee Price Illustrator: Anil Tortop Publisher: Create It Kids Genre: Picture book Age Group: 2-7 years Please tell us a bit of what your book is about. Digby Fixit and his friends follow their second adventure, in an attempt to solve the mystery of a noisy noise. Could […]

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Penny Morrison – Riding the Wave Part 3

This is the third and final part of my interview with Penny Morrison, author of Captain Sneer the Buccaneer, the Hey! series and The Mighty Mighty King Christmas Book. In this installment Penny reveals the patience needed to be an author as she discusses the circuitous path to publication of Captain Sneer the Buccaneer. See part […]

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In the Presence of Giants

The title of this article might seem a misnomer given the physical stature of both Margaret Wild and Julie Vivas, however there is no doubt about their giant status in the picture book world. It was an absolute pleasure to hear them speak in conversation with Belinda Murrell at the CBCA Northern Sydney sub-branch Christmas […]

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Review: A Picture Book Exploring the Life of Dame Nellie Melba

Meet… Nellie Melba, Janeen Brian (author), Claire Murphy (illus.), Random House, 2016 Synopsis: Dame Nellie Melba was Australia’s first classical music star. The beauty of her singing was celebrated around the globe. She was appointed Dame Commander, OBE for her enormous fundraising efforts during World War One and today she is commemorated on Australia’s hundred […]

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Review: A Moving Picture Book Dealing with Love, Loss, Family and Legacy
One Photo picture book, Penguin Books, Ross Watkins, Liz Anelli

One Photo, Ross Watkins (author), Liz Anelli (illus.), Penguin Books, 2016 Dad came home one day with one of those old cameras, the kind that use film. But Dad didn’t take photos of the regular things people photograph… Created by Ross Watkins (who you may know as the illustrator of The Boy Who Grew Into […]

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Review: A New Picture Book Perfect for Dog Lovers

Oh, Albert! Davina Bell (author), Sara Acton (illus.), Penguin Books, 2016 Synopsis: Albert can’t help getting into mischief when no one is around. But one day he goes too far… Oh, Albert! A perfect story about a family and their not-so-perfect (but loveable!) dog. Oh, Albert! is an adorable picture book perfect for animal-loving families […]

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Lessons from a punnet of tomatoes.

One thing I love about the creative industries is that several people can have a similar idea yet express it in totally different ways. This was brought home to me the other evening when attending a talk by CBCA judge, Cathie Tasker. Cathie pointed out that two of the books shortlisted for awards this year […]

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