Ori’s Clean-Up Activity: Recycled Plastic Bag Jellyfish

#OrisCleanUp #BlogTour #BooksOnTour #Day5 Re-used Recycling with Plastic Bag Jellyfish In Ori’s Clean-Up, the focus is on encouraging the different ways in which we can manage our rubbish to best help the environment. Rather than throwing away our used packaging, it’s better to re-use or recycle them. ♻ This two-part activity will help children reflect upon […]

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Finding Granny Activity: Emotion Stones

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day7 Emotion Stones Illness in one’s family can become a shocking reality, particularly when what was once safe and comfortable rapidly changes to the unfamiliar and the unknown. Granny’s stroke certainly had a deeply profound impact, not only to herself, but the ones her love her most. In this nature art activity, […]

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Finding Granny Activity: Descriptive Edible Stamp Art

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day5 My Ice Cream Granny Edible Stamp Art In Finding Granny, the use of Art Therapy is prevalent as an effective way to help the patients recover from illness. We also experience Granny in many fun-loving ways, according to her granddaughter, Edie. To combine their love of ice cream, art and playful, […]

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Make a Noise! Lyrebird Craft Activity

#thetroubleintunetown #blogblast #booksontour #day8 Make a Noise! Cute Musical Lyrebird Craft What do you know about lyrebirds? What is their special talent? Did you know they can mimic noises like car alarms and chainsaws?! What kinds of sounds can you make with your voice? What kinds of sounds can you make with objects found around […]

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Educational Activities: The Trouble in Tune Town

#thetroubleintunetown #blogblast #booksontour #day7 Maura Pierlot has a band-full of educational activities and teaching notes for The Trouble in Tune Town! From literacy to social studies, art/craft and science, and of course music, your home studies or classroom curriculum will never be dull or downbeat! Click on the images to download your FREE activities!   […]

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Brave and Strong Craft: Lifeguard on a Surfboard

#BraveAndStrongAllDayLong #BooksOnTour #BlogDash #Day5 How to Make a Paper Roll Lifeguard Fiona on a Surfboard…that floats! What do you know about the role of lifeguards? What kind of person can be a lifeguard? What kind of rescues do you think they can do? What uniform might they wear? What kinds of equipment / clothing do […]

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Ballerina Monkey Craft: Dancing Monkey Puppet

#BallerinaMonkey #BooksOnTour #BlogBop #Day4 How to Make a Dancing Ballerina Monkey Marionette Puppet What kinds of dance do you know? Ballet is one, but there’s also jazz, hip hop, and tap, just to name a few. How do you feel when you dance? How do you think Malik the monkey feels when he’s twirling and […]

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Ori’s Christmas Craft: How to Make an Underwater Snow Globe

#OrisChristmas #BooksOnTour #BlogBlast #BonusDay How to Make an Underwater Snow Globe Besides Ori the octopus and his friends in Ori’s Christmas, what other creatures, plants and marine life can be found under the sea? What kinds of Christmas activities did the sea friends enjoy in the story? How do you like to celebrate being with […]

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The Scared Book Kids Craft: Paper Fan

#TheScaredBook #BooksOnTour #BlogBlitz #Day4 Paper Fan (For fanning away monster smells!) What’s the smelliest smell you’ve ever smelt? What did you do when you found the smell? What did your face look like? What kinds of things could you use to take the smell away? Why do you think these monsters left such a yucky […]

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Karen Tyrrell Sings like a Song Bird Superhero

The Just Write For Kids team love the dedication and passion of resilience and bullying specialist, Karen Tyrrell, who is always so generous with sharing her inspirations, strategies and words of encouragement with the community. So, thank you Karen, for enlightening us with your motivations behind your latest release; a book packed full of positive […]

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