Imagine WINNING Special Books by Kelly Louise Jarris!

#imagineourspecialplace #bookcampaign #booksontour ***UPDATE: COMPETITION NOW CLOSED*** Where is your most wonderful, special place? Both Imagine Our Special Place and Wonderful Wishes take readers to imaginative places and on special adventures where dreams can be made. Author Kelly Louise Jarris uplifts and empowers her audience with the power and hope to overcome challenges and adversity, […]

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A Special Introduction: Kelly Louise Jarris

#imagineourspecialplace #bookcampaign #booksontourpr Imagine your happiest place, anywhere in or around the world. Imagine spending all your precious moments there with your nearest and dearest. Author Kelly Louise Jarris touches her readers with this notion of peace, of treasuring conversations and of utilising the imagination to empower hope and comfort to those in need. Both […]

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Heartfelt Dreams and Feathers: Ideas for Capturing Loving Memories

#feathers #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day5 With regard to the themes of empowerment, grief, family, hope and memories in Karen Hendriks and Kim Fleming‘s picture book, Feathers, here are a couple of ideas to help children manage loss of a loved one in positive ways.  *Feathers is written by Karen Hendriks, illustrated by Kim Fleming, published by […]

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Character Q and A with Ad from Feathers

#feathers #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day4 Today’s interview is a special one! We are talking with the young boy, Ad, from Feathers, who shares his inner thoughts and feelings with us on his grief and coping strategies to deal with the loss of his Mum. Thanks for being so open with us, Ad!  It’s a pleasure to […]

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Helping Children Through Grief by Karen Hendriks

#feathers #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day3 Children having to deal with loss is varied and complex, and each individual child copes and expresses their emotions in their own way. Karen Hendriks shares her experiences as a teacher, and as a parent, with the focus on the power of stories to help children through their grief. A beautiful […]

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#BookReview: Feathers by Karen Hendriks and Kim Fleming

#feathers #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day2 #BookReview Feathers, Karen Hendriks (author), Kim Fleming (illus.), Empowering Resources, September 2020.   Blurb: ‘Dad, it’s my wish feather.’ I gently place my dream treasure under my pillow. Mum promised to always be with me…   Review: The combination of author and illustrator chosen for this gentle story is the ideal […]

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We’re Making Your Wishes Come True with the Feathers #BookGiveaway!

#feathers #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day2 Feathers #BookGiveaway! Feathers divinely captures the power of memory through its emotive story that is both empowering and uplifting in reinforcing empathy, and for anyone who has experienced loss. For your CHANCE to WIN this gorgeous book, we’d love for you to tell us who you’d like to treasure and share […]

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#BookReview: In the Shadow of an Elephant by Georgie Donaghey and Sandra Severgnini

In the Shadow of an Elephant, Georgie Donaghey (author), Sandra Severgnini (illus.), Little Pink Dog Books, May 2019. Blurb: One terrible night the ground rumbled, and dark shapes appeared in the distance. A cracking sound tore through the air. Lualani’s life was changed forever. ‘Don’t be afraid. I will look after you.’ Jabari reached out […]

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The Forever Kid Photo Gallery

#theforeverkid #blogtour #booksontour #day12 The Forever Kid has been glammed up for a fun photo shoot! Please enjoy our book photography gallery below…   Elizabeth has recently been on an incredible tour to Europe, UK, and Lithuania! Check out some images of her presenting in schools. Celebrate Your Loved Ones and WIN! Click the image […]

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Grief Unites Us by Elizabeth Mary Cummings

#theforeverkid #blogtour #booksontour #day11 Grief Unites Us – Author Article by Elizabeth Mary Cummings A beautiful explanation of grief, what it means to us as humans, and the sensitive, authentic way it has been addressed in The Forever Kid. Thank you for this profound article, Elizabeth. x Grief is one of those topics that is […]

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