Raymund and the Fear Monster Blow Art Activity

#raymundandthefearmonster #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 Managing Emotions Through Art! To create the stunningly detailed artwork in ‘Raymund and the Fear Monster‘, illustrator Ester de Boer meticulously sketched line after line, dot, etch, dash and swish through the use of fine ink, textured shadings and illuminating yet subtle wisps of colour. To start, let’s take a look […]

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Featured Author: Megan Higginson

#raymundandthefearmonster #blogtour #booksontourpr #day1 The time has come – the time to approach a new book campaign head on. So, take a deep breath and brace yourself for a fiercely fun adventure into the wildly bold and courageous tale of ‘Raymund and the Fear Monster’ by Megan Higginson and Ester de Boer! Megan’s true story […]

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Max Booth Film Flip: Film Activity

#MaxBoothFutureSleuth #FilmFlip #BlogTour #BooksOnTourPR #Day5 Colour My World! It’s a Film Task! In this scene in Max Booth Future Sleuth Film Flip, we find Max and Oscar discovering the contents of the roll of film as they project light and the image onto a wall. Although the image of the building on the film is […]

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The Importance of Teaching Students about Totalitarian Ideologies by Jason K. Foster

#hadamarthehouseofshudders #bookcampaign #booksontourpr Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana In writing Hadamar I wanted students to think about the importance of their own education. I wanted to highlight both the importance of children to a society but equally how a totalitarian society will attempt to indoctrinate its […]

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Kisses in Your Heart Educational Activities

#kissesinyourheart #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 “Hand on my heart, a sparkle smile warms my lips for a little while.” Discussion Do you have a family member (or more than one) that makes you feel safe, secure and loved? What does it mean to be loved? What does it feel like? Have there been times when you […]

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When the Moon is a Smile Educational Activities

#whenthemoonisasmile #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 “The salt spray tickles my nose and the waves tease my toes and dress my feet in lace socks as we race and chase along the shore.” Discussion Who do you have a special relationship with? What sorts of things do you like to do together? Have you taught each other […]

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An Excerpt from Great Barrier Reef Rescue PLUS Bonus Material!

#greatbarrierreefrescue #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 Be one of the first to read this excerpt from Great Barrier Reef Rescue – when Rosie realises a new heroic adventure is imminent… ‘Rosie, wake up!’ Amy whispered, shaking me until I roused. A bush stone-curlew wailed, shattering the silence, as the first rays of morning light broke through the […]

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Colour Mixing Kangaroo Vignettes

#colouroos #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 Colour Mixing Kangaroo Vignettes One of the most beautiful scenes in Colouroos is the nighttime landscape where the three different coloured mobs of kangaroos come together to watch a dance of colour in the twinkling sky. Not only is this a stunningly visual piece that artist / author, Anna McGregor has […]

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Who Dresses God? Clothesline Craft Card

#WhoDressesGod? #blogtour #booksontour #day5 Clothesline Craft Card and Exploring the Senses  Follow your reading of and conversation about Who Dresses God? with a fun and meaningful activity to compliment your literary and philosophical experience. Discussion: What sorts of things do you need to be happy? What sorts of things do you think this world needs […]

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Bruno’s Buffet: Aussie Tucker Ideas

#brunotheboisterousbluedogfromthebush #blogtour #booksontour #day13 From sharing baked beans by the billabong, to bushman’s bread and billy tea in the backyard, and breakfasting on blueberries at Binalong Bay. There are plenty of classic Aussie culinary delights to explore from the book, Bruno the Boisterous Blue Dog from the Bush. And with Australia Day approaching, let’s discover […]

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