Aura Parker – Sprouting Wings PART 2

In part two of this interview, author/illustrator Aura Parker speaks about her upcoming books, her agent, engaging kids with books and her top tips for those wanting to squeeze into the industry. Read or refresh you memory of Part 1 here. Cocoon is coming out this November, what can you tell us about this book? […]

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A walk through Walker Books

I first heard Linsay Knight at a CBCA conference speaking about poetry, before she became the publisher at Walker Books Australia and New Zealand. Then, earlier this year, I had the good fortune to pitch a manuscript to her at a literary speed dating event where I found her to be engaging and responsive. Recently, […]

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The Wildly Intrepid Jan Latta – Part 1

Today’s interview is a break from my usual focus on up-and-coming children’s book creators, to look at someone who has forged her own way into a niche market in children’s publishing, and from whom much can be leant. Jan Latta is the only woman in the world who is the author, wildlife photographer and publisher […]

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Robert Vescio – Soaring

Robert’s interest in writing seems to be lifelong, showing up as a school student, but like me, when he had kids he fell in love with children’s books, especially picture books. He’s been writing now for over 5 years and in that time has published several short stories in various anthologies and four picture books […]

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Penny Morrison – Riding the Wave

Penny’s wonderful picture book Captain Sneer the Buccaneer (illustrated by Gabriel Evans and published by Walker Books) was released in September to great fanfare and Penny has been riding the wave of swashbuckling book launches and appearances around the Sydney area since. Penny also has a series of board books for preschoolers (The ‘Hey’ books, […]

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Katrina Roe – author and presenter extraordinaire Part 3

Today we continue and conclude the interview with Katrina Roe, awesome author and radio presenter. To catch up, you can find part 2 here and part 1 here. Katrina, what have been the discouragements for you in the writing/publishing process? How did you deal with these? I’ve been fortunate that so far I’ve been totally happy […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Jen Storer

We are more than delighted to have the vivacious Jen Storer here today tickling our funny bones with her cracking ‘Comedy’ themed answers! Thanks, Jen! 😜 🎭 What is the funniest book you’ve ever read? Unreliable Memoirs, by Clive James. Side splitting! What is it about writing for children that makes you happy? The freedom to […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Megan Higginson

We are exploding with excitement to welcome Megan Higginson to our ‘Sci Fi and Fantasy’ themed interview today! You’re a gem! 🔮 🎇 What are the most imaginative books you’ve ever read? So many books. So little time. Hmmm. Unless I had a time machine. Ok. I’m breaking the rules. I love Sci-Fi and fantasy. Anne […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Teena Raffa-Mulligan

It is truly lovely to welcome Teena Raffa-Mulligan to our ‘Romance’ themed interview on the blog today! You’re very sweet! 😘 💕 If you could receive any gift from any children’s author or illustrator, what would it be and who would it be from? I was finding it really tricky to come up with an answer […]

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