Cowabunga! Brave and Strong Hangs Five!

#BraveAndStrongAllDayLong #BooksOnTour #BlogDash #Day5 These last five days have been absolutely fun-tastic, ‘surfing’ around the net with Elizabeth Cummings and her inspiring, lifesaving story, Brave and Strong All Day Long! Elizabeth has very graciously shared her Verityville series’ inspirations and spoken up for under-represented voices. We paddled in company with guest bloggers, Educate. Empower, Brydie Wright, Creative […]

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The Howling Sands Blog Tour: It’s a Wrap!

#TheHowlingSands #BooksOnTour #BlogBlast #Day5 We’ve had a total blast this week, touring around the blogosphere and between fantasy worlds with Karen Hughes and her gripping adventure story, The Howling Sands!  Karen has been very generous in sharing her writing journey, inspirations and influences, as well as even sharing a piece of the magic for us to […]

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The Howling Sands: An Excerpt

#TheHowlingSands #BooksOnTour #BlogBlast #Day4 Enjoy a piece of the magic… Karen Hughes has generously provided us with an excerpt from The Howling Sands; an intense moment when Kai has been taken by the wind spirits. Kai ate his bread and cheese, while the four wind spirits argued over what to do next. North wanted take him straight […]

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Ballerina Monkey Craft: Dancing Monkey Puppet

#BallerinaMonkey #BooksOnTour #BlogBop #Day4 How to Make a Dancing Ballerina Monkey Marionette Puppet What kinds of dance do you know? Ballet is one, but there’s also jazz, hip hop, and tap, just to name a few. How do you feel when you dance? How do you think Malik the monkey feels when he’s twirling and […]

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Ballerina Monkey Crafts: FREE Downloads

#BallerinaMonkey #BooksOnTour #BlogBop #Day4 Fabulously Fun Activities for Kids! Courtesy and copyright © Joe M Ruiz, Nicole Madigan and BlOOturtle Publishing 2017.        Click to download the Kids_Activities_Malik-102017 PDF. SPECIAL BlOOturtle OFFERS! Ballerina Monkey can be purchased at blOOturtle Publishing. PLUS with every purchase you will go into the draw to WIN an entire catalogue of books! […]

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Ori’s Christmas Craft: How to Make an Underwater Snow Globe

#OrisChristmas #BooksOnTour #BlogBlast #BonusDay How to Make an Underwater Snow Globe Besides Ori the octopus and his friends in Ori’s Christmas, what other creatures, plants and marine life can be found under the sea? What kinds of Christmas activities did the sea friends enjoy in the story? How do you like to celebrate being with […]

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An Excerpt from Lizzy’s Dragon PLUS Giveaway!

#LizzysDragon #BooksOnTour #BlogTour #Day5 The growing bond between Lizzy and Bubbles, and the moment when she discovers her new pet’s special abilities… Lizzy wrapped her arms around Bubbles’ neck. ‘You’re the only one I can talk to, I’m so glad I found your egg.’ Bubbles wrapped one of his front feet around her and nuzzled […]

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Lizzy’s Dragon Craft: How to Make a Dragon Egg

#LizzysDragon #BooksOnTour #BlogTour #Day4 How to Make a Dragon Egg What do you know about dragons? Do you know any dragons in books or movies? What do like / dislike about them? What similarities to dragons have to lizards? What about dinosaurs? One thing they all have in common is that they lay eggs. But […]

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Lizzy’s Dragon Activity: Dragon Profile and Story

#LizzysDragon #BooksOnTour #BlogTour #Day4 Create a Dragon Profile and Narrative Writing What would be your ideal kind of dragon? What would it look like? What special abilities would it have? Do you know how to care for a dragon? What would you feed it? Where would it live? What kinds of things would you do […]

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Guest Post by Vanessa Ryan-Rendall: It’s Our World

Guest Post by Vanessa Ryan-Rendall Thanks, once again, to Vanessa Ryan-Rendall from Educate. Empower, for contributing your wisdom to our blog! Please enjoy her article on facilitating an environmentally-aware community amongst our young Australians.  How do we raise our children to be more environmentally conscious children? How we do we raise them so that they […]

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