The Just Write For Kids inaugural Pitch It! Competition is returning for the seventh year, and the team are SO excited to announce some NEW updates with a range of resources and opportunities to help you on your publishing journey!

But first. A bit about our competition …

Your pitch is often your first point of contact with your chosen publisher. This is your big chance to market your book and your author brand in their best light. So, if you want the publisher’s attention, give your pitch the attention it deserves!

Now, imagine that winning pitch landing you the opportunity to skip the slush pile and get your manuscript directly on the desk of a publishing editor! Not only that, but for that editor to cast a professional eye and offer an invaluable appraisal and feedback on your manuscript.

How about a free professional mentoring meeting, and an insider session with a publisher?

Well, now’s your chance to jump ahead of the rest! What are you waiting for? Get ready to PITCH IT!

Here’s what you need to know to enter…


September 1, 2024


September 30, 2024


FOUR separate categories are open to cater for your specific writing preferences. You will have the chance to enter into any or all of the following:

a) Picture Book Fiction Category (PB, for ages 0 – 8)

b) Picture Book Non-Fiction Category (PB NF, for ages 0 – 8)

c) Junior Fiction (JF, for ages 5 – 8)

d) Middle-Grade Category (MG, for ages 8 – 12)


All writers within Australia, published or unpublished in the children’s book industry.

Each entry will be based on the pitch of an unpublished manuscript. That is, the manuscript you are pitching for is NOT already published.



The PICTURE BOOK FICTION WINNER will have their pitch and accompanying manuscript assessed by their choice of TWO publishers, including:

Rowena Beresford, managing editor of Riveted Press,

Anouska Jones, children’s commissioning editor of EK Books,

Jennifer Sharp, children’s and YA publishing editor of Daisy Lane Publishing,

Dani Vee/James Layton, commissioning editor of Larrikin House.


FREE Marketing Matters mentoring coaching session with marketing and creative design expert, author and editor, Mary Anastasiou / Imagine Creative.


FREE School of Larrikins Workshop voucher to a session of your choice.

The PICTURE BOOK NON-FICTION WINNER will have their pitch and accompanying manuscript assessed by:

Editor of award-winning non-fiction picture books, Kath Kovac.


FREE Marketing Matters mentoring coaching session with marketing and creative design expert, author and editor, Mary Anastasiou / Imagine Creative.

The JUNIOR FICTION WINNER will have their pitch and accompanying manuscript assessed by their choice of EITHER:

Jennifer Sharp, children’s and YA publishing editor of Daisy Lane Publishing, or

Rowena Beresford, commissioning editor and publisher of Riveted Press.


FREE Marketing Matters mentoring coaching session with marketing and creative design expert, author and editor, Mary Anastasiou / Imagine Creative.


FREE School of Larrikins Workshop voucher to a session of your choice.

The MIDDLE GRADE WINNER will have their pitch and accompanying manuscript assessed by their choice of EITHER:

Jennifer Sharp, children’s and YA publishing editor of Daisy Lane Publishing, or

Rowena Beresford, commissioning editor and publisher of Riveted Press.


FREE Marketing Matters mentoring coaching session with marketing and creative design expert, author and editor, Mary Anastasiou / Imagine Creative.


FREE School of Larrikins Workshop voucher to a session of your choice.

2ND Place Runners Up:

ALL 2ND Place Runners Up in the categories of PICTURE BOOK (FICTION ONLY) and JUNIOR FICTION and MIDDLE GRADE will receive the 2ND OPTION to one of the above publishing editors for a manuscript assessment.


STAY TUNED for distribution of other prizes from Crystal Corocher, Adam Wallace, Aleesah Darlison and Just Write For Kids Australia.*

3RD Place Runners Up:

3RD Place Runner Up in the PICTURE BOOK (FICTION) category only will receive 3RD OPTION to one of the above publishing editors for a manuscript assessment.

The 3RD Place Runners Up in the JUNIOR FICTION and MIDDLE GRADE categories will receive one of the selected prizes from either Crystal Corocher, Adam Wallace, Aleesah Darlison and Just Write For Kids Australia – STAY TUNED for more details.*

*Additional Prizes (to be confirmed, distributed amongst winners, 2nd and 3rd place runners up):

FREE one-hour mentoring group session with Adam Wallace on school visit presentations, with BONUS guide materials (and plenty of laughs!)

FREE invaluable prize offering from mentor, editor and author, Crystal Corocher.

FREE Book Pack including popular children’s titles from Aleesah Darlison, Walker Books and Just Write For Kids Australia.


All Shortlist winners in the categories of PICTURE BOOK (Fiction and Non-Fiction), JUNIOR FICTION and MIDDLE GRADE will receive feedback from our judges on the quality of their pitch.

PLUS, a digital certificate / plaque for website and social media promotion.


All Longlist winners in the categories of PICTURE BOOK (Fiction and Non-Fiction), JUNIOR FICTION and MIDDLE GRADE will receive a digital badge for website and social media promotion.


*Entries that do not follow the specific guidelines outlined will be withdrawn from the competition.

Write a pitch for a children’s manuscript to a publisher. Be creative! Be interesting! Provide a captivating hook! We are looking for pitches that jump off the page and excite us. Make us want to know more!

IMPORTANT: Please follow these specific guidelines:

  • Word count of your pitch must be between 100 and 150 words.
  • Entries must be typed, set to Times New Roman font, size 12 point.
  • Entries must be in English.
  • The pitch is written for either a picture book (PB, PB NF) or chapter book (JF or MG) manuscript.
  • The pitch must include (and are included in the pitch word count):

– manuscript title (in italics)

– manuscript word count

– specific genre (PB, PB NF, JF, MG)

– target market (age group)

– your hook

– comparative title/s

DO NOT include: 

  • Author biographies or identifying details – Your name DOES NOT appear on the pitch entry.
  • The word count of your pitch (include the manuscript word count only)


  • Your comparative titles should include why your book and its themes are both the same AND different to other similar titles on the current market. This gives the publisher an idea of where your book sits alongside similar titles – that you understand the market, but also explains how you’ve made your story unique.
  • Your plot should be summed up succinctly and with evocative language. A good formula to follow is, ‘When [identity] [protagonist name] [does something or something happens], [something results]. Now, with [obstacle], [protagonist] must [do something] to [accomplish] or [sacrifice high stakes].
  • The language of your pitch should be lively, engaging and sophisticated. It should give a taste of your ‘voice’.
  • Your pitch should flow well in one to two paragraphs (no dot points).


  • Multiple entries are accepted. Please Note: We are only accepting a maximum of THREE (3) entries PER CATEGORY. A fourth entry, and thereafter, in the same category will be withdrawn.
  • You CAN enter up to 3 entries for Picture Books AND 3 entries for Picture Books Non-Fiction AND 3 entries for Junior Fiction AND 3 entries for Middle Grade.
  • Each entry must be submitted with separate entry emails and payment.
  • Submissions are to be emailed to jwfkcompetition (AT) gmail (DOT) com:

In the Subject Line:

JWFK Pitch It Competition Entry_(Your Name)_(Your Category)

In the Body of the Email:

Your Name

Your Manuscript Title

Your Phone Number


  1. Pitch Entry document as .doc or .docx saved with manuscript title (NO author name).


  • Payment of $10.50 per entry (plus transaction fee) is payable at the time of submission via the TryBooking link:
  • All entries will receive acknowledgement upon receipt via email within 24 hours. Incomplete entries will receive a second chance via email to complete within 24 hours, thereafter will be disqualified.
  • By entering this competition, you agree to the terms and conditions listed in these guidelines.


We are providing feedback to each of the three SHORTLISTS ONLY. We cannot provide feedback for other entries.


Entries will be judged by the following industry professionals:


Award-winning children’s author and mentor, Aleesah Darlison

Pitch It! 2020 Picture Book Winner and children’s author, Cassy Polimeni


Award-winning picture book author, Debra Tidball


Multi-award-winning author and mentor, Kate Gordon

Award-winning author, presenter and ILF ambassador, David Lawrence

Judges’ decisions are final and no further correspondence will be entered into.


The winners will be announced on the Just Write For Kids website and social media pages by mid-November 2024 (TBC).


Please contact us at jwfkcompetition (AT) gmail (DOT) com with any questions.


The winning entries are not guaranteed publication by publishing editors. Completed manuscripts must be ready for submissions upon announcement of competition winners and runners up. It is up to the discretion of the participating publishers and assessors to return feedback in their own time – please be patient in receiving replies. All entries will be discarded after competition close.


PITCH IT! WORKSHOP with James Layton and Dani Vee

Bookings are open to attend our optional Pitch It! Workshop with Larrikin House publishing experts, James Layton and Dani Vee on September 18, 2024 at 6.30PM AEST.

Please click here for information and to book your spot. Places will be limited.

#pitchit #pitchit2024 #pitchitcompetition

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