Apologies for any inconvenience caused. This competition has been postponed until a later date.
We will be sure to inform you of updates when we’re ready to re-launch.
Thanks for your understanding! 🙂
Hooray! It’s competition time!
Throughout December #justwriteforkidsoz is holding a #PhotoByTheme Competition!
For this month the theme is Christmas / Summer.
We’re looking for funny / unusual / creative photos of you with a book (or just the book if you’re selfie shy) related to the theme.
Each day we’ll post one photo on our Facebook page, which we would encourage you to share, because at the end of the month, the photo with the most ‘likes’ (on the original post on our page) will WIN a fabulous prize!
Entering is easy!
Stay in the loop, ‘like’ our Facebook page, then email your photo and short caption to us at:
Happy snapping, and good luck! 😊
Please read the following Conditions of Entry:
- ‘Likes’ are only deemed valid if on the original post on the Just Write For Kids Australia Facebook page.
- This is a game of skill. On completion of the competition the entry with the most ‘likes’ and is a ‘liker’ of Just Write For Kids Australia is the final winner and no further correspondence will be entered into.
- Open to Australian residents only.
- Competition closes December 31, 2015 @ midnight DST.
- This competition is no way endorsed or sponsored by Facebook or any other entity other than the Just Write For Kids members.