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In Ocean Devotion, Kalea and Hiapo discover the unsettling truth about the shimmering mountain on the ocean surface, and are dismayed to find the beautiful waters in Hawaii polluted with plastic. Determined to save the marine life and restore the sea’s health, the pair have some ideas on what to do to reduce the amount of plastic landing up in the oceans. And YOU can too!
Before Reading –
Look at the cover of Ocean Devotion. What do you see? What do you like about this image? What do you think this story might be about?
Think about the title, Ocean Devotion. What does ‘devotion’ mean? How might the characters in the story be ‘devoted’ to the ocean?
What kinds of creatures and marine animals live in the ocean? Do you think this story might be about looking after them? What kind of danger might the sea life be facing? Do you think this story might be true? How do you know?
After Reading –
How do you think Kalea and Hiapo felt when they realised that the ‘shimmering diamond’ was in fact a large pile of plastic pollution?
Why do you think it was important to them to help clean up the rubbish from the ocean?
How did it make you feel to see animals, like the turtle, wrapped in rubbish?
What do you think is happening in the photographed pictures at the end of the book? Now, do you believe this story could be true? What do you know about our oceans and the pollution in them?
What kinds of things can you do to help reduce plastic use, and what can you do with the plastic waste you don’t need anymore?
How many ways can you think of using a plastic bottle? Make a list.
Activity: Plastic Bottle Planters

Ages 5 – 8 (Foundation to Year 2)
Responding to literature: (ACELT1577)(ACELT1783)(ACELT1582)
Texts in context: (ACELY1655)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating: (ACELY1648)(ACELY1650)Â (ACELY1658)Â (ACELY1660)Â (ACELY1670)
Biological sciences: (ACSSU002)(ACSSU017)(ACSSU211)(ACSSU030)
Earth and space sciences: (ACSSU032)
Use and influence of science: (ACSHE022)(ACSHE035)
Science Inquiry Skills: (ACSIS024)Â (ACSIS011)(ACSIS026)(ACSIS040)(ACSIS042)
Humanities and Social Sciences
Inquiry and Skills: (ACHASSI001)(ACHASSI019)Â (ACHASSI006)(ACHASSI025)
The mass of plastic debris in the oceans is so enormous, and the rate at which it is manufactured is staggering. It is expected that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. So, wherever possible, we must recycle, reduce and reuse plastic, and be active in society to eliminate dangerous waste, for our oceans and marine life to have any chance of an ecosystem they deserve.
Watch and read more about the effects of plastics in our oceans here.
One environmentally-friendly activity that children can do at home or school is to make their own seed planters from old plastic bottle or containers. Saving the oceans and our air quality at the same time!
Materials needed:
- Empty plastic bottles or containers
- Paint and markers
- Soil and (optional) aquarium rocks at the bottom
- Grass or other seeds (or succulents)
- Scissors
- Nail or sharp scissors to puncture holes at the bottom of the bottle
- Cut the bottles to about 1/3 of its size, and puncture the bottom to create three holes with a nail.
- Decorate your bottle with paint (and other craft items, if desired). You might like to turn them into your favourite sea animal, like a turtle, fish, whale or dolphin!
- Fill about 3/4 with soil (you can put the rocks at the bottom first), and sprinkle the seeds on top. Add some more soil.
- Take care to give your plant light and water, and watch it grow!
- Extension: Keep a daily journal and include measurements and pictures of your plant’s growth.
Glossary Terms
Using the terms listed at the back of Ocean Devotion, complete the following:
- Discuss the meaning of each term with a partner.
- Choose a number of terms and search their meanings, then write the definition.
- Write the terms in sentences, or even in a short story. Illustrate.
- Get creative and ‘make’ the words with recycled objects or items found around your house.
- Create your own A-Z chart with ocean-related terms.
*Ocean Devotion created by Elizabeth Mary Cummings and Melissa Salvarani. Notes prepared by Romi Sharp.
More about Elizabeth can be found at her website: Home – Elizabeth Mary Cummings
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Ocean Devotion is available for purchase at E.C.Press
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Organised by Books On Tour PR & Marketing. Email: info.booksontour@gmail.com