#InterviewByTheme with Pauline Hosking

We are ecstatic to welcome author and presenter Pauline Hosking to answer our Comedy themed questions! Thanks, Pauline! 😄 🎉 What is it about writing for children that makes you happy? It’s said that children’s writers never totally grow up. They always retain a childlike sense of wonder and excitement about the world. I’m sure that’s […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Jess Black

We are just tickled pink to have Jess Black here with us today answering our Comedy questions! Thanks, Jess! 😜 🐲 What is the funniest book you’ve ever read? The Bum trilogy by Andy Griffiths. Pure genius. What is it about writing for children that makes you happy? It’s possible that I am still and forever […]

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You Call Yourself a Writer?

I was at a party recently, chatting with a man about his career and how he came to be where he’s at now. For years, he’d had an office job, travelling throughout New South Wales, training newbies in his field. He hated it. In his spare time, he took photos, and a photographer-friend had asked […]

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Even Mummy Cries by Naomi Hunter

Guest Post & #BookGiveaway by Naomi Hunter A couple of days ago we were fortunate enough to hear from author and publisher, Naomi Hunter in her interview about her first book, A Secret a Safe to Tell. Today she has generously provided even more valuable insights into dealing with family pressures and struggles and her […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Emma Mactaggart

Enjoy the wicked sense of humour of Emma Mactaggart in our Comedy themed interview! I’m deliriously happy you could join us, Emma! 😂 🌟 What is the funniest book you’ve ever read? Would you believe it was a book by Nick Earls “Perfect Skin”. I was breastfeeding my third child at the time, was so deliriously […]

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You’re Different Jemima! by Jedidah Morley

Guest Post By Jedidah Morley Our world is facing major problems and challenges for the future. Knowing that a new generation is coming through with fresh ideas and creative solutions to these problems is comforting. It’s exciting to witness innovative and curious minds at work, developing, growing and being enriched! But what happens when these […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Robert Vescio

It’s not your imagination… Robert Vescio really is here talking all things Fantasy in today’s interview! Let’s have an adventure! 😛 👑 What is the most imaginative book you’ve ever read? I grew up reading the Chronicles of Narnia. My absolute all time favourite book is The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. For me, opening […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Kerry Malone

It is with our utmost pleasure to welcome the lovely Kerry Malone to our Romance themed interview today! Thanks for joining us! 😘 💕 If you could receive any gift from any children’s author or illustrator, what would it be and who would it be from? The chance to sit down over a coffee or glass […]

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This message will self-destruct …

Ever had an awful, sinking feeling, that you’re just not good enough? That everyone else is doing this writing gig, so much better than you? Best-selling story ideas, publishing deals, book releases, fancy awards, more publishing deals, book relea … you get the picture. Everywhere you turn, there’s someone awesome. Doing their awesome thing of […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Katrina McKelvey

Katrina McKelvey is here today talking all things ‘bottoms’, and other whacky things in our Comedy themed interview! It’s a TOoT! I mean, HOoT! 🙈🙉🙊 What is the funniest book you’ve ever read? I fell in love with reading when the book, ‘Just Tricking’ by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton smacked me in the face […]

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