Title: Not So Scary Bear
Author: Ruth Waters
Illustrator: Ruth Waters
Publisher: Windy Hollow Books
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 2 years and up
Book Description: Every day Scary Bear roams the forest looking for animals to scare. Every night he roars so loudly even the leaves on the trees shake. But looks can be deceiving. What is Scary Bear’s secret? Not So Scary Bear is a tale of deception, friendship, and of being yourself, scary or not.
Dear Not So Scary Bear,
It’s an honour to welcome you to our #InterviewByBook questionnaire!
Let’s begin with ‘the plug’! Please tell us a bit about yourself in the most enticing way possible.
I’m about 8 feet tall, with sharp teeth and a winning smile. My rooooar is pretty impressive and can be heard all around the forest. But, as we all know, looks can be deceiving. I have my secrets. You’ll have to read my book to find out more!
What makes you so endearing?
Well, that’s not for me to say really but since you ask, my hand-knitted woolly jumpers.
How do you compare to other books in your approach / themes?
I’d like to think I’m up there with the best!! My story is one of friendship, acceptance and about being yourself, whether you’re scary or not. I’m made from collage – so there’s a nod to Eric Carle.
Who do you think your author is most similar to in terms of writing style? Why?
That’s a tricky one. I know my author is a big fan of Jon Klasson and Marc Martin. Their stories are simple and playful, with characters that are charming and intriguing, and the illustrations are wonderful. I know my author dreams of being as good as them.
What do you think of your illustrations / cover image? Do you have a favourite image? Why?
Well, I think I look pretty good in all of them, don’t you? But my favourite would have to be the one of me at home in the forest.
What kind of effect have you had on your readers so far? What’s the craziest or most heartwarming thing someone has ever said about you?
I’m brand new to the world. So I’ve yet to find out what people make of me. But I hope my story makes them realise that the most important thing of all is being yourself.
Where is the most unusual place you’ve ever visited or been read?
My author is from the UK, so I know there are a lot of friends and family who will be reading the book from the other side of the world.
Multiple Choice Question:
Who would you most like to be in the hands of?
a. Some totally famous author like Dr. Suess, Enid Blyton or Roald Dahl
b. Some totally famous Royal like The Queen, Prince William or the Princess of Pop
c. Some other-worldly creature that can spread the joy of your book across the entire universe
d. Some random kid you sat next to at the bus stop
e. Other. Would love to hear it!
A and E. Roald Dahl – still my author’s favourite author. And any boy, girl, or grown-up sitting in a library. The best place in the world.
The Nitty Gritty:
Where is your home and where can we buy you?
I obviously live in a forest but if you can’t find me there take a look at me here in my very own trailer – here.
www.booktopia and all good bookshops.
Thanks so much for coming along, Not So Scary Bear, and spilling all the deets about you!
Much to her mum’s delight, Ruth’s first expressions of creativity appeared at an early age… on the sitting room walls, kitchen floor, stairs…. and the new sofa (they still don’t talk about this). Fortunately, she quickly learned that paper was the way forward and she hasn’t looked back since.
Ruth works mainly in ink and acrylic. She likes her drawings to be fun and to tell a story and, ultimately, be something that she, and hopefully others, would like to hang on the wall.
Ruth is from the UK but lives in Sydney Australia with her husband and two kids.
In May 2018 her first self-penned / illustrated picture book Not So Scary Bear will be published by Windy Hollow Books.
#InterviewByBook #NotSoScaryBear
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