Title: Darcy and the Dinosaurs
Author: Nicole Madigan
Illustrator: Joe M Ruiz
Publisher: BlOOturtle Publishing
Genre: Picture book
Age Group: 4 – 7

Please tell us a bit of what your book is about.

Darcy and the Dinosaurs tells the story of Darcy, a little boy who just can’t sleep. After making shadow puppets dance on his bedroom wall and counting sheep, he decides to sneak into the kitchen to find a snack, where hears a strange noise coming from his mother’s vegetable garden. A little bit scared, but even more curious, he creeps outside to take a look. What he finds takes him on a wild adventure back in time, involving numerous dinosaurs and a surprising encounter with a T-Rex!

What kinds of themes / issues are raised in this story?

In essence, Darcy and the Dinosaurs is an adventure story with a twist. The underlying theme, however, is that curiosity – and a dash of fear – can take you places beyond your wildest dreams.

An inquisitive mind keeps you moving forward and making new discoveries, while a little fear keeps you from going too fast or too far. Look before you leap!

Of course, readers will also discover some different dinosaur species as they follow Darcy’s journey.

How are these important to you in raising awareness to your readers?

My primary goal when writing for children is that they want to read. So it’s important to me that the story is engaging, interesting and fun. While the issues raised are of course important, anything to didactic can turn children off, particularly older readers. Children are clever and don’t want more lectures!

That said, I do believe in the importance of the underlying message.

I actively encourage my children to have an inquisitive mind and be cautiously curious. I think that balance is crucial in life – for children and adults alike!

Who or what inspired you to write this story?

I became passionate about children’s literature after having the first of my three children. I actually began this particular story concept before the birth of my youngest (a daughter), so I had my sons firmly in mind when developing the character of Darcy. As for the use of dinosaurs, I was inspired by a short story competition which had a “back in time” theme.

What is your favourite part of the book?

When the hungry T-Rex reveals what is really causing his tummy to rumble!

How would you describe the publishing process? Were they supportive? How long did it take?

Extremely collaborative. I worked with a small, independent publisher on this project and the team was hands on and communicative. They were extremely supportive of my vision for the story. They also worked quickly! It was less than 12 months between submission and publication.

What was the collaboration like between author and illustrator? Juicy gossip, please!

Unfortunately I have no juicy gossip! My illustrator is from the US so we haven’t met, spoken, or even exchanged emails. However I was fortunate enough to receive early sketches of the characters from the publisher for my input. I loved his illustrations so no problems at all.

What has the feedback / audience response been like so far?

Wonderful! It’s been utterly heartwarming to receive such positive feedback, both from my peers as well as from children themselves! I’ve received lots of lovely photos of gorgeous children reading Darcy.

There’s also been some great feedback regarding the quality of the book itself. BlOOturtle is an eco-friendly publisher, using all recycled paper, vegan ink, carbon neutral production methods etc (find out more at http://blooturtle.com/troobloo-program/ ) so people have been amazed at the beautiful look and feel of the book.

What teaching and learning ideas would you suggest to complement this book?

Personally, I would suggest using the adventure as a catalyst to discussing some of the issues mentioned above.

However, these additional teaching ideas were provided by the lovely Amy – primary school teacher and children’s literature enthusiast from Baby Book Club.


Any details on your book launch you’d like to tell us about?

Stay tuned for a combined launch following the release of my second book, Ballerina Monkey.

Please let us know where we can find more on you and your book.

My new author webpage is currently under construction! However, you can find me on facebook at www.facebook.com/stellacommunications

More information about Darcy and the Dinosaurs is available at BlOOturtle Publishing or www.facebook.com/blooturtle

Thank you for sharing your imaginative story with us, Nicole! 👦🏼 🐉

Nicole Madigan is a Brisbane based writer and widely published journalist with more than 15 years experience in the media and communications industries.

Having always been an avid reader and lover of words, Nicole’s writing career began as a newspaper journalist, where she spent several years before switching mediums, taking on a role as an on-air television reporter with Channel Nine.

After the birth of her first child some years later, Nicole returned to her true love – writing. Since then, she has enjoyed a successful career as a freelance journalist and writer, enabling her to work around her growing family, while writing for a wide variety of high profile publications.

Three children later, Nicole’s love of children’s literature has continued to grow, as has her belief that reading to your child is one of the most precious gifts you can give them.

Nicole is the author of Darcy and the Dinosaurs (out now) and soon-to-be-released, Ballerina Monkey (out late 2017), both published by BlOOturtle Publishing (www.blooturtle.com)

Find out more about Nicole at www.facebook.com/stellacommunications or www.stellacomms.com .

#InterviewByBook #JustWriteForKidsOz #DarcyAndTheDinosaurs

3 thoughts to “#InterviewByBook with Nicole Madigan

  • Penelope

    I absolutely love that this is an eco friendly publication! How super cool. Also totally impressed with the gorgeous illustrations. Those shadow puppets are phenomenal! Such a simple idea and beautifully executed to bring this adventurous story to life.

    • Just Write For Kids

      Aren’t the illustrations and concepts amazing?! Agree with you there, Penelope! Thanks a lot for your comment! 🙂

    • Nicole Madigan

      Thank you for your lovely words Penelope! x


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