#MaxBooth #StampSafari #blogtour #booksontour #day8

We’re so excited to visit Jessie, Max and Oscar in the year 2424 for this rad chat with the super sleuthing gang of the future! Thanks for this rare opportunity! 🤖👾🐶

Hello to all of you! Thank you for jumping back in time (or are we in the future?) to talk with us!

Max: Thanks for joining us in the year 2424!

Jessie: It’s very impressive that you could make it – especially considering that time travel won’t be invented until 2035!

Oscar: Woof!

Firstly, congratulations on solving the mystery of the little sticky paper! What were your initial thoughts upon finding it in the museum?

Max: At first, I thought it was some kind of collectible sticker – the kind that kids used to put in sticker books. They had some strange hobbies 400 years ago! I knew it was valuable whatever it was – paper is incredibly rare these days.

Jessie: Actually, I thought it was a sports-themed bandaid from the year 2025, but I didn’t tell that to Max and Oscar!

Why was it so important to each of you to find out the history of the stamp?

Max: Well, I knew that it was something special, and that other people would want to know about it – whatever it turned out to be! And, well, to be honest I was also a little bit interested in the Object Identification Bonus that Jessie pays me when I identify an unknown object for her!

Jessie: I’m really interested in anything from the old days, and sticky little bits of paper are no exception – especially when they feature incredible 21st-century tennis players like Neptune Williams! Tennis players were amazing back then – they actually used to run along the ground to hit the ball to each other. Thank heavens someone finally invented float-tennis!

How does the process of sending and receiving mail differ for you in the year 2424?

Max: Gosh, it’s much more efficient these days! We send parcels and packages through Parcel-Pop – flying delivery pods that zip through the sky, and (usually) avoid bumping into things.

Jessie: And we send most of our messages through Zee-Mail. All we have to do is speak them into our phone goggles and they appear instantaneously on the other person’s goggles – if they’re online!

Max, what do you make of Spike’s judgement of you when you visited his shop?

Let’s just say I wasn’t very happy about it! He certainly seemed to be judging us on our appearance. He didn’t believe a word we said, just because we’re from the Skyburbs and can’t afford flashy clothes. Not fair!

Max and Oscar, how did you feel when you got caught by Captain Selby and his meat-headed lieutenant cronies? How did this moment significantly change your mission?

Oscar: …

Max: I really thought we were about to be locked up on Skyburb 7 for a very long time. Up until our arrest, all we cared about was identifying that strange little piece of paper. Then, suddenly, we were fighting for our freedom, and from Oscar being reprogrammed into a walking zombie-bot.

Max, is there any doubt that living on the streets is better than the Home for Unclaimed Urchins? Why, or why not?

Well, the streets can be a dangerous place, especially when the Unclaimed Urchins Recapture Squad seems to be lurking around every corner. But still, I wouldn’t go back to the Home any day. I’m free to be me down here, and I don’t have to spend my days in that so-called school up there, being trained to do jobs no one else would ever want to do. The food’s terrible up there too – unfortunately brussels sprouts are the only things that grow well up there!

Jessie, what’s the coolest artefact from the 20th century that you’ve ever come across?

That’s a good question – there are so many, but my favourite would have to be the typewriter. Back in the 20th century, to make a document, people actually had to tap on buttons that put ink on paper, letter by letter. Can you believe it?! It seems particularly incredible nowadays, with paper being so hard to come by.

What’s your favourite new invention of 2424?

Max: Definitely my back-scratching robo-caterpillar. If I didn’t have so much sleuthing to do, I’d be lying on my tummy all day, letting it roll up and down my spine.

Jessie: I’d have to say, my Flavour-Saver tongue scanner. Whenever I taste something new that I really like, I scan my tongue and it remembers the flavour. Then, it turns it into a powder I can sprinkle on everything I eat!

Oscar: …

Thank you all for revealing some interesting facts about yourselves! See you again in the future! 🙂

Max: Thanks for talking with us. Next time you’re in 2424, please pop by Skyburb 6 and say hello!


Find more on author Cameron Macintosh at his website.

And he also pops by Boomerang Books for a special interview. See you on the other side! 🙂

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