Welcome to a special #CharacterInterview with Allen from Allen the Alien!

We’re interrupting the news for this very special bulletin to announce that the UFO has landed, and we’ll be joined LIVE by none other than Allen from Allen the Alien – DO PANIC! (not really, he’s supersonic cool!). But first, a couple of announcements …

Thanks for joining us today, Allen! It’s an honour to be in the presence of such an otherworldly character such as yourself! Can you share a little about where you came from and why you have visited Earth?

Greetings! I was taking my pet, Byte, out for an interstellar flight, when I saw a beautiful blue planet. It looked like a fun place to visit, so we stopped by for a play.

What do you like the most about us Earthlings?

Earthlings are very friendly! They were so excited to see us that they sent out cool cars with flashing lights and blaring sirens to greet us. I even got a new bumper sticker for my spaceship:  👁️❤️🌏

What did you find the most challenging thing about trying to make friends here?

There seem to be a lot of rules on Earth. Kids don’t seem know any of them and that’s why they make the best friends!

Why do you think that might be so?

I think the grownups on Earth are playing a gigantic game across the entire planet and they made up some really boring rules for it.

What is your favourite kind of noise?


What is your pet, Byte’s favourite game? How does he play this in space?

Byte loves to play catch. On Earth, pets don’t catch each other, they catch sticks! But if Byte doesn’t catch the other pets when playing in space, they float out into the atmosphere until someone picked them up with a spaceship.

Do you like the way the author and illustrator have portrayed you in your book?

I think I look great in the book! I must because the Earthlings sent a TV crew to film me.

What’s your favourite part?

I liked playing in the park the best! Kids really can fly if you spin them around fast enough before letting go.

What is the most important thing you’d like children to know about you or your time on Earth?

I wrote a thank you note to my friends on Earth. You can read it before I send it.

Dear Earth Friends,

Thank you for being so nice to me and Byte when we visited Earth.

We loved playing with you – I wish we could have stayed for eons!

We can’t wait to come back and visit.

Love, Allen & Byte

P.S. If you know anyone who needs a friend, please go and say hello and then give them a copy of my book, Allen the Alien!

Thanks for visiting, Allen! It’s been an interesting encounter!

Now, back to programming as usual.

Interview responses by Stephanie Ward

Videos and illustrations by Aleck Morton

Published by Riveted Press

Find Stephanie Ward at her website: Stephanie Ward – Notes from a Writer with Wanderlust (stephaniemward.com) and on InstagramFacebookGoodreads and Amazon.

Find Aleck Morton at his website: About — ALECK MORTON and on Instagram and Facebook.

Allen the Alien is available for purchase from Riveted Press and online and at your local bookstore or library.

The #BOOKGIVEAWAY has LANDED! WIN Allen the Alien!

Click here for details on how to WIN copies of Allen the Alien AND a FREE online SCHOOL WORKSHOP with Stephanie Ward!

Closing September 30, 2024. Book copies to Australian residents only.

Join in this intergalactic adventure with Stephanie Ward and her out-of-this-world picture book, Allen the Alien, impressing readers across the blogosphere (and entire universe)!

#allenthealien #belonging #friendship #humour #picturebooks #justkidslit

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