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The Wind and the Mouse (Book 1) and The Mouse and the Egg (Book 2), Michelle Worthington (author), Adyna Ferre (illus.), Daisy Lane Publishing, February 2021.


The Wind and the Mouse –

Spring is here.

Mouse wants things to stay the same.

Can Wind show her all of the beautiful things that come with change?


The Mouse and the Egg –

Baby bird is coming.

Mouse wants to help.

Can she get used to the responsibility of babysitting before Mama Bird gets back?



The concept behind these books, as a part of The Willing Kids Program series to support literacy and mental health issues, focuses on empowering children to embrace and achieve valuable life skills, presented in easily manageable, fun and sensitive ways. With sensory friendly illustrations and foundations in mind, these adorable picture books appeal to every child at every ability – their soft, gentle approach carefully considered in both language and imagery. Author Michelle Worthington, in partnership with illustrator, Adyna Ferre, have also developed beautiful animated story readings of these titles to appeal to a broad market including those with speech, learning or behavioural difficulties, and those who simply don’t have access to books. In a glorious weave of engaging visual media, perfect for enlightening all the senses and emotions, here are The Wind and the Mouse, and The Mouse and The Egg!

In The Wind and the Mouse, Spring abounds with wind blowing through the trees, scattering leaves and twigs for birds to use, sparking the growth of plant seeds and uncovering holes where animals are hiding. Mouse is very comfortable in her hole with her bed of feathers, moss, leaves and straw. She doesn’t want anything to change. But the wind is as stubborn as Mouse, and tempts her out with delicious scents sent into her hole. Mouse has to learn that change isn’t always as scary or uncomfortable as it may seem. It can, in fact, surprise with something beautiful. With courage and a growth in independence and emotional maturity, Mouse’s positive mind-set paves the way for readers to understand the benefits in self-managing their emotions and building their confidence.

The Mouse and the Egg combines a sense of play, humour and adventure with big responsibility, demonstrating that children’s natural growth in independence isn’t always straightforward nor easily done with so many fun distractions! Offering a kind gesture in return, Mouse agrees to babysit Mama Bird’s egg while she goes in search for food. But sitting quietly and patiently isn’t a simple task for Mouse. Instead, Mouse finds her noisy and active (inadvertent) encouragement sets her on an egg-chasing, pirate-swashbuckling adventure out of the tree and into the farmer’s house. Will she be able to get the egg back to the nest in time for Mama Bird?

Michelle Worthington’s language is simple, clear and inclusive of an emotional literacy that readers will be able to gauge the feelings associated with various situations. Equally, Adyna Ferre’s digital illustrations provide uninterrupted space for easy interpretation in soothing primary and secondary tones, and with cute-looking characters that are so easily loveable.

The Willing Kids Program books provide a safe and reassuring space for children to explore and develop their own big feelings and learning / growing journey towards independence. Covering such valuable themes as empathy, kindness, cooperation, responsibility and courage, The Wind and the Mouse and The Mouse and the Egg are the ideal resources for empowering strong, happy and emotionally secure young children from the age of three. Just gorgeous!

To watch the animated readings of these titles, please follow the links:

The Wind and the Mouse: The Wind and The Mouse by Michelle Worthington and Adyna Ferre : Read Along with the Book – YouTube
The Mouse and the Egg: The Mouse and The Egg by Michelle Worthington and Adyna Ferre – YouTube

Review by Romi Sharp.

Please follow Michelle Worthington at these links:

www.michelleworthington.com | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

The Wind and the Mouse is available for purchase at Daisy Lane Publishing| Booktopia

The Mouse and the Egg is available for purchase at Daisy Lane Publishing | Booktopia

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Click here to enter to WIN a copy of BOTH adorable books, The Wind and the Mouse AND The Mouse and the Egg!

Join us on a friendly journey as we take Michelle Worthington and her gentle picture books, The Wind and the Mouse and The Mouse and the Egg on tour, appearing at the following media sources. 

Organised by Books On Tour PR & Marketing. Email: info.booksontour@gmail.com

3 thoughts to “#BookReview: The Mouse and the Egg by Michelle Worthington and Adyna Ferre

  • Norah

    Wonderful reviews of two beautiful books.

    • Just Write For Kids

      Thanks so much, Norah! They’re so clever, cute and fun! 🙂


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