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The Fix-it Princess, Janeen Brian (author), Cherie Dignam (illus.), Walker Books, March 2023.

Royalty is coming to town. Several towns in fact. And not for reasons you may think. Princess Shona is on a very important quest – to find her missing parents! The Wing-Thing took Dad-King and Mum-Queen out of town several days ago – the very same Wing-Thing that Princess Shona built and sent them flying off in. Except they were swallowed up by a big white cloud and haven’t returned. Here is one fantastic fairy-tale-esque adventure, for early to middle grade readers, featuring more of a contemporary-esque princess from a medieval time. This is the rollicking story of a smart, young girl with a Can-Do attitude – The Fix-it Princess.  

This may be a fantasy fairytale, but Princess Shona’s character couldn’t be more real (and less traditional!). Award-winning children’s author and poet of over 100 books, Janeen Brian, deftly seizes very real human traits with her strong female protagonist. With rich intentions, an abundance of persistence and a heart of gold, she is also the princess of careless conundrums and royal mishaps! But that’s what we love about her.

Heart and humour lead the way out of the Castle-by-the-Woods, which is funny because Princess Shona can’t actually get out of her castle to rescue her parents! With no more servants, a drying up treasure chest, eggs on repeat, a useless horse not-so-aptly named Wildfire, and a cranky drawbridge that will barely budge, the Fix-it Princess needs to remember less about her haphazard quick decisions and more about her father’s wise ‘think things through’ advice. With a lot of perseverance and the humblest, most obliging, (sore-toothed) singing dragon you’ll ever meet, Princess Shona’s creative thinking and problem-solving skills see her flying through the skies with bells and all!

This whimsical literary delight bonds perfectly with Cherie Dignam’s loose-lined black and white illustrations that simply put, enchant with a magically cantankerous energy of raucous chooks, bustling fix-it projects, and that sweet-natured Dragon. They honestly couldn’t be better!

The Fix-it Princess is like the crown jewels of fractured fairy-tale novels for ages seven plus – royally humming with animation, imaginative STEM inventions and spirited acts of teamwork, careful consideration and kindness. Its audience will absolutely get fixed on this fun read / read aloud story!

Review by Romi Sharp.

Please visit Janeen Brian at her website: janeenbrian.com

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The Fix-it Princess is available for purchase at:

Janeen Brian’s website / Booktopia

Walker Books Australia

‘Fix it’ to WIN The Fix-it Princess! TWO copies to give away – one SPECIALLY SIGNED by Janeen Brian!

Click here for details on how to enter, or via the button below, for your chance to win one of two copies of The Fix-it Princess.

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