‘Reading is Magic’ is the theme for Australia’s 2024 Book Week celebrations, and we’re excited to bring some magic from reading this imaginative and creative picture book – The Postman’s My Mate by Kelly Louise Jarris and Natalie Herington!
With its own themes of friendship, creativity, sustainability, Australian animals and an appreciation of our community workers in remote areas, there’s plenty to explore with a range of hands-on learning activities. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking outside the box!
What does the cover of The Postman’s My Mate tell you about the setting/location of the story?
What does the title tell you about who might be in the story?
What does it make you wonder?
What kinds of things could you create with just a box and your imagination?
Why might it be important to re-use or recycle things we already have at home? How might this help the environment and the animals around us?
What role do our community workers, such as Posties, play in helping with keeping services running effectively? Why are they important? Why is Charlie’s postie friend important to him?
Dress up like Charlie!
Having a costume parade and looking for something simple? Charlie’s got you covered!
Try out your favourite boots, summer clothes and akubra hat for this Charlie-look, plus don’t forget your special mystery box and emu toy to accessorise!
Book Week Box Costumes
How many ideas did you brainstorm for your box creation? Charlie made creations like a rocket, a pirate ship, an emu friend, plus more! You might like to turn a box creation into a costume, such as a mask, an outfit, a hat or a sign or sculpture to hold!
Check out these brilliant creations from Simon Christopher Greiner for some inspiration!
Letter Writing or Book Reviews
Write a letter to your favourite author, telling them which of their books you love and what you like about their writing. Perhaps your author visited your school, and you’d like to thank them and ask some questions.
Alternatively, or in addition, you can write a book review about your favourite book or a new one you’ve recently read. What are the themes of the book? How did the story make you feel? What can you describe about the style of writing and/or illustrations? Who would you recommend this book for?
You might like to ‘post’ your letter or book review in a real post box, or a homemade letter box in your classroom. Find this idea at: The Imagination Tree.
Creative Colouring Activities
Get the pencils and craft items out for some creative colouring and imaginative thinking with these fabulous resources from KLJ Books!
Happy Book Week!
*Teaching notes prepared by Romi Sharp. The Postman’s My Mate is written by Kelly Louise Jarris, illustrated by Natalie Herington, published by KLJ Books.
Find Kelly Louise Jarris at her website: Kelly Louise Jarris Books and on Facebook and Instagram.
Natalie Herington can be found at her website: Natalie Herington Bird Valley Illustration and Design | Australian watercolour illustrator and on Facebook and Instagram.
The Postman’s My Mate is available for purchase from KLJ Books.
A Special Delivery: The Postman’s My Mate #BookGiveaway!
Click here for details on how to enter to WIN a SIGNED COPY of The Postman’s My Mate, courtesy of Kelly Louise Jarris!
Join in this imaginative adventure with Kelly Louise Jarris and Natalie Herington and their creative and hands-on picture book, The Postman’s My Mate, delivering the gift of joy to readers across the blogosphere!
#authorinterview #illustratorinterview #thepostmansmymate #imagination #sustainability #picturebooks #justkidslit
2 thoughts to “Book Week Activities: The Postman’s My Mate by Kelly Louise Jarris”
Hi Romi
Can l share this post about Book Week?
Naturally l’ll share it with your contact.
Jill Smith
Aussie Author
Hi Jill,
Yes, of course! That would be wonderful, thank you! Happy Book Week!