Lizzy’s Dragon Craft: How to Make a Dragon Egg

#LizzysDragon #BooksOnTour #BlogTour #Day4 How to Make a Dragon Egg What do you know about dragons? Do you know any dragons in books or movies? What do like / dislike about them? What similarities to dragons have to lizards? What about dinosaurs? One thing they all have in common is that they lay eggs. But […]

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Lizzy’s Dragon Activity: Dragon Profile and Story

#LizzysDragon #BooksOnTour #BlogTour #Day4 Create a Dragon Profile and Narrative Writing What would be your ideal kind of dragon? What would it look like? What special abilities would it have? Do you know how to care for a dragon? What would you feed it? Where would it live? What kinds of things would you do […]

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Author Article by Melissa Gijsbers: Creating Bubbles

#LizzysDragon #BooksOnTour #BlogTour #Day3 How does such an inventive, mystical creature such as the beautiful Bubbles enter an author’s consciousness? Find out how Melissa’s water dragon emerged, PLUS check out the #bookgiveaway details below! 😃 🌈 🐉 Creating Bubbles by Melissa Gijsbers It’s been quite a while since I’ve read a lot of fantasy, and […]

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Lizzy’s Dragon Book Giveaway!

#LizzysDragon #BooksOnTour #BlogTour #Day2 It’s a #BookGiveaway!!! For your chance to WIN a signed copy of Lizzy’s Dragon by Melissa Gijsbers, suitable for ages 7+, comment below, on social media or any participating blog in the tour, with your response to “What mythical creature would you love to have as a pet?”. Don’t forget to […]

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Character Q and A: Interview with Lizzy’s Dragon, Bubbles

#LizzysDragon #BooksOnTour #BlogTour #Day2 Today we are excited to introduce the spectacular water dragon, Bubbles to the panel, who will be discussing what life is like being Lizzy’s pet. Thanks for joining us today, Bubbles! 😊 🌈 💦 🐉 Firstly, can you explain to us where you came from? Are you the only one of your […]

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Review: Lizzy’s Dragon by Melissa Gijsbers

#LizzysDragon  #BooksOnTour  #BlogTour  #Day1 Welcome to the blog tour for Lizzy’s Dragon and author, Melissa Gijsbers! Thanks for joining us! We hope you enjoy all the amazing sights we have in store for the ride. Let’s begin with a review: Lizzy’s Dragon, Melissa Gijsbers (author), Kylie Leane (illus.), Stone Table Books, September 2017. Why is it […]

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Book Review: Max Booth Future Sleuth, a Sci-Fi Adventure Series for Young Readers

Max Booth Future Sleuth: Selfie Search, Cameron Macintosh (author), Dave Atze (illus.), Big Sky Publishing, 2017 Synopsis: Max Booth Future Sleuth is back with more sci-fi adventure and another mystery to solve! Max has been handed an ancient mobile phone. It’s from the year 2017, which makes it more than 400 years old! What’s more, […]

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Guest Post: Georgie Donaghey on Clover’s BIG Ideas

Guest Post: Georgie Donaghey on Clover’s BIG Ideas What a pleasure to join in the blog tour for the remarkable Georgie Donaghey’s newest book baby, Clover’s BIG Ideas. How did she get to where she is today? Where did her ideas stem for this sweet story? And how did the writing journey progress from conception […]

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Review: Rusty, Buster and Patch Versus the Opera

Rusty, Buster and Patch Versus the Opera, Adam Wallace (author), Serena Geddes (illus.), Krueger Wallace Press, 2017. Dynamo Adam Wallace punches out yet another sharp-witted tale in his new series, an ode to his favourite brother-combo – the Marx Brothers. Teaming up with the impeccable Serena Geddes to illustrate the graphic chapter book, you can […]

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The remarkable Tim Harris

Tim Harris knows how to write funny. His wildly popular Exploding Endings series has been nominated by children and shortlisted for the YABBA awards (book 1). Initially self published, his four Exploding Endings are now published by Harbour Press and his new release mid-grade, Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables is published by Penguin Random House. For all this […]

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