Keeping track of your income

Keeping track of your income can be a challenge for authors, however it is important so we can declare any income at tax time. We can receive income from a number of sources including: Sales of books – this can be sales directly from the author, online via sites such as Amazon, and royalties from […]

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Books Light Up Our World – Picture Book Reviews and Activities

Book Week is hosted annually by the Children’s Book Council of Australia and this year marks the 70th anniversary celebration in honour of the inspirational work of Australian authors and illustrators. By promoting books we, as parents, educators, writers, children’s literacy advocates, are encouraging children to read and inherit a love of books, and a […]

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CBCA Judging the Judges.

  I attended a presentation at my local library by Children’s Book Council of Australia judge, Jane Parsons. I went with the intention of writing about the presentation. I had pen and notepad ready, however what I didn’t have was a focus. I could write about the shortlisted books, the process, the awards, the statistics, […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! Step Three

3. Purchase your ISBN An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is the identification your book needs to distinguish it from material that is merely printed. It is an indication you have an insight into Copyright Law and you will lodge your book with the National Library of Australia and your state library. Already over-whelmed? Don’t […]

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A Happy Place

What brought you to writing? Has it been a life-long dream to see your stories in print? Is it a fresh career change? A creative path you’ve been encouraged to follow? Since a young age, I’ve had the desire to create. From stories to songs, poems to plays, writing was my escape; my ‘happy place’. […]

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Boring but Important

Did you know that being an author, especially an indie author, has many similarities to running a small business? Our main industry is writing and publishing. For most of us, the second thing would be speaking and running workshops. We love nothing more than dreaming up new stories and creating books that children can read. […]

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Hashtags For Writers

What is a #hashtag? A hashtag is any word preceded by a # (hash symbol). Hashtags are widely used across all social media but first appeared on Twitter in August 2007. I love that the hashtag was invented by a Twitter user (@ChrisMessina) and that Twitter’s initial response was disinterest because the concept was ‘too nerdy’. The people thought otherwise […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! STEP TWO

2. Make a booking for a venue for the books launch. You think I am going mad – but you have now given yourself a deadline for this project! And I need a deadline! The latest book I have created languished in a bottom drawer for years and I would put off the project at […]

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The rise and rise of Shelly Unwin – newly signed author – Part 1

I first met Shelly Unwin at a CBCA event a few years ago, and gradually got to know her as we bumped into each other at regular meetings and events.  She is warm, open and encouraging with an English accent I could listen to all day. I’ve heard Shelly talk about a manuscript that came […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! STEP ONE

Tell EVERYBODY And I mean, EVERYBODY you plan to create a picture book. As soon as you offer your thoughts to the universe, your family and the lady next door, even the milkman, well, all of a sudden you are held accountable. Years ago, I mentioned I was passionate about the idea of creating a […]

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