You have the right to see your words in print! Step Eight

8. Design You are on your road to being a published author, and the best way of processing your ‘to do’ list from this point on is to think like a publisher. Determine in advance how you wish your book to present in the market place. Is it just an eBook on Amazon? Is it […]

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Picture Books in the Eye of the Beholder

To begin my journey towards becoming a published picture book author, I became an avid (perhaps compulsive) reader of the genre. Yes, it has definitely helped having two young daughters around as an excuse for my weekly loitering in the kids’ section of the library. Anyway, I also began writing formal reviews around 18 months […]

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Keeping track of your expenses

Last month, I talked about keeping track of your income. It’s now time to look at your expenses. The expenses you have may vary depending on whether you are self-publishing or are traditionally published. In general, your expenses could include: Workshops and conferences Editing and manuscript assessment Equipment such as computer purchases Professional support – […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! Step Seven

6. Edit There is no way around this. By now, you have completely fallen in love with what you have created. (I was so tempted to write, ‘as you would a child’ and you can’t see the blemishes – but I don’t really want the possible feedback about psychology 101!) Every time a family member […]

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The Giant Drop

Many times, I’ve been told the writing game is an emotional roller coaster ride. Ups, downs, hill climbs, racing downhill, loop-the-loops… From my experiences, I’m more inclined to match it to The Giant Drop; one of Dreamworld’s ‘Big 9 Thrill Rides’, particularly the vulnerability of submitting manuscripts to publishers. Note: If The Giant Drop is unfamiliar […]

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Why Can’t I Cut and Paste from MS Word into my Blog

Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you can. But three times in the past month someone has asked me if I can help them fix the formatting in a blog post they cut and pasted from MS Word. “It was perfect in Word,” my friend insisted. “Now on my blog, it doesn’t look like my other posts. I […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! Step Six

6. Write You may be described as a ‘pantser’ – someone who can make decisions, flying by the seat of their pants, embracing creativity as it strikes. You may be a ‘planner’ – someone who needs to methodically map out their story, using page numbers and a prescribed plot line. Neither is right or wrong, […]

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Just Andy

Guest Post by Katrina McKelvey I’m a self-confessed reluctant reader. I know what it is like to do anything to avoid reading. As a child I climbed trees instead. Andy Griffiths has showed me how to love books. He’s my inspiration! Here’s how it all happened … ‘Laughter is the reward for even the most […]

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