Cream Rising – Marian McGuinness Part 1

In terms of cream rising to the top Marian McGuinness is certainly someone to watch. Marian has won, placed and shortlisted in many writing competitions and awards, received several prestigious mentorships including the 2014 CBCA Charlotte Waring Barton Award and Mentorship with Random House; the 2014 ASA Emerging Writers and Illustrators Mentorship; and most recently […]

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KidLitVic2016 Meet the Publishers Day by Alison Reynolds

Guest Post by Alison Reynolds Just Write For Kids is delighted to welcome Alison Reynolds to share about her exciting upcoming event – KidLitVic2016 in Melbourne this May. Alison and Dee White together have organised this prodigious occasion in support of emerging and accomplished authors and illustrators seeking tips and feedback from expert publishing professionals. […]

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Writers Action Matrix

I thought the beginning of the year was an apt time to put together a visual writer’s action matrix for those who want to progress on their writing path this year. These are all actions that have progressed my writing, my understanding of the industry and my sense of belonging to a supportive community of […]

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Sometimes you just need to take a break!

It’s been a couple of months since I’ve been posting here! The lead up to Christmas was frantic. I had a 12 year old birthday, Grade 6 graduation, and everything else that comes with being a parent. My brain was also getting fried. I was working on a book that was starting to go off […]

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More Top Picks from 2015  

Last month I ended the year with a Top 15 of ’15 with books carefully selected by my six year old. Choosing only a small number of favourites out of the many, many fabulous children’s books out there is always a tricky task, so we’re making another list! This time, I’m basing these on my […]

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Lesley Gibbes – To Infinity and Beyond Part 3

We take off into the New year with the third and final interview with the wonderful Lesley Gibbes. Thank you, Lesley, for being such a generous interviewee and providing us with information to help us all on our writing pathways. See part 1 here and part 2 here Lesley, what do you see as the […]

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It’s fun to play at the CBCA

One of the messages that has resounded loud and clear from the interviews with both Shelly Unwin and Lesley Gibbes‘ is the importance of developing contacts in the kid lit industry. One of the things Shelly and Lesley found invaluable were courses. Something that I have found invaluable is the Children’s Book Council of Australia, […]

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It’s fun to play at the CBCA

One of the messages that has resounded loud and clear from the interviews with both Shelly Unwin and Lesley Gibbes‘ is the importance of developing contacts in the kid lit industry. One of the things Shelly and Lesley found invaluable were courses. Something that I have found invaluable is the Children’s Book Council of Australia, […]

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Top 15 of ’15

Last year I enlisted the help of my five year old to come up with a ‘best-of’ list, and I think she did extraordinarily well! So, we’re doing it again for books published in 2015! According to my stats, 2014 saw over 250 picture books borrowed, received, bought, read, and of course, enjoyed! Let’s see […]

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Crowdfunding PART ONE: What is it and why should creatives consider it?

Last month, I wrote about finding the ‘one’; an illustrator who brings your words to life. You can read it, here. The next step in my journey was confirming finance of book production and how to create awareness of my work and its impending release. I’d recalled several colleagues over the years, utilising crowdfunding for […]

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