Diving into Picture Books—Signposts for Authors and Illustrators

Are you an aspiring or emerging children’s book author? Not too sure of what you have to do? How do you write that opening sentence? What is a story board? Do I need one? How do I work with an illustrator? Do I need to find one? What are agents looking for? The answers to […]

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Connecting Friends Oceans Apart

Guest Post by Robert Vescio Connecting Friends Oceans Apart It is with great pleasure to welcome children’s author Robert Vescio to share his inspiration for writing his latest, heartwarming book, Jack and Mia – a story on everlasting friendship and long-distance connections. ————————————————————————- I wrote Jack and Mia to show how friendships (rich in imagination) […]

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Deborah Kelly – Star Ascending Part 2

In Part 1 of this interview with Deb Kelly, we found out how she got started on the road to writing books for children. This week we focus more on how the books came to be picked up for publication and the setbacks and encouragements along the way: Deb, can you tell us the path […]

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Not Just a Piece of Cake; Being an Author: Hazel Edwards Part 2

In Part 1 of my interview with Hazel Edwards last week she provided some important pieces of advice on understanding the ins and outs of the publishing industry, as well as tips on developing oneself as an ‘authorpreneur’. In this post Hazel talks more personally on her inspirations, achievements and highlights of some of her latest […]

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The Perplexing Process of Writing

So you’ve gotten an understanding of the actual craft of writing, but where to from here? I don’t know about you, but I question everything. So then I have to search for answers. How do you develop your ideas? How do write your novel? How do you get your head around book genres, categories of […]

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Not Just a Piece of Cake; Being an Author: Hazel Edwards

Hazel Edwards, best known for her much-loved and cherished ‘Hippo’ books, is also one of Australia’s leading and most passionate authors with over 200 books to her name. Just incredible! Writing across a range of genres for a diverse population, from picture books to chapter books and adult non-fiction, Hazel brings with her a fortune […]

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Our Country, Our Stories – Reviews and Activities

It’s that glorious time again where teachers, parents, children, literacy creatives and advocates raid the bookshelves (and craft cupboards) in honour of the annual Book Week celebrations! Hosted by the Children’s Book Council of Australia and running from August 20th to 26th, this year’s theme is inspiring; it’s ‘Australia! Story Country’. Last year I wrote […]

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Deborah Kelly – Star Ascending Part 1

Deborah Kelly’s publishing career is really taking off! Since the publication of her delightful picture book The Bouncing Ball (Random House) in 2013 Deborah has had 7 books published, across a variety of genres. Deborah’s second picture book, Jam for Nana (Random House, Illustrated by Lisa Stewart) was published in 2014, the same time as […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Pauline Hosking

We are ecstatic to welcome author and presenter Pauline Hosking to answer our Comedy themed questions! Thanks, Pauline! 😄 🎉 What is it about writing for children that makes you happy? It’s said that children’s writers never totally grow up. They always retain a childlike sense of wonder and excitement about the world. I’m sure that’s […]

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Top Take-home messages from the Kids and YA Festival 2016

The value of festivals cannot be underestimated when it comes to both networking and nourishing our writing craft and career. So here are my top take home messages from the NSW Writer’s Centre Kids and YA Festival in June:  1 The Process of writing – hints from picture book authors: Don’t delete your rubbish ideas. ‘You have to […]

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