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We’re All in This Together is a book that will keep the discussion on the effects of the pandemic open to children for some time to come. As we begin to prepare for another school year, adapting to a new kind of normal, and possibly even adopting a forward-thinking approach to what the future may hold, Skye Hughes’ book is one that every classroom would benefit from referencing and utilising in multiple ways.

Here, we explore a some social, interpersonal health and self-expression activities that children can use to discuss and represent their feelings, thoughts, experiences and skills with relation to the ongoing life changes due to the pandemic.

*We’re All in This Together is written by Skye Hughes, illustrated by Alice Coates, published by Dean Publishing.

Key Curriculum Areas: Foundation – Year 6


Health and Physical Education

The Arts



Age Range 

6 – 12 years



Before Reading –

Look at the cover of We’re All in This Together. What do you see?

What does the cover image make you feel? What message/s do you think the title elicits?

Share some of your own experiences with remote learning. How did you feel about learning from home?

What were some of the other changes / hardships you went through during the lockdown?

After Reading –

How did the book show that ‘we’re all in this together’?

Kiana kept safe by wearing a mask and sanitising her hands. What other ways have you and your family members adopted to stay safe?

Amin connected with his friends and completed school work via online communication. How did you do this? How did you feelings compare with Amin’s in this situation? What special things did you enjoy most about home learning?

Roshan’s hope and spirits were kept high with exercise and making up special songs. How did you keep active and connected in your neighbourhood?

Casey hadn’t been able to visit her Grandma for a long time. Did you have any special people that you missed, and how did you stay in contact with them?

Ming was upset about cancelling her birthday party. Why did she need to do this? Did you or someone you know experience a similar situation? What creative alternatives did you come up with to celebrate?

Tyler struggled, at times, to keep himself entertained, but managed to find new skills to learn. What new skills or creative pursuits did you try? Do you think you might keep doing those things?

What was the most important thing the children in the book learned about having to stay home? What did it achieve, and how did you help your own community?

What is the main message of ‘We’re All in This Together’?


Thinking Tasks

What were the positive and negative points about the lockdown. What were the interesting aspects or things you learned? Complete a PMI Chart to represent these ideas.

Compare the similarities and differences between home learning and learning at school. Complete a Venn Diagram to represent these ideas.


Positivity Keepsake Journal

A positivity reflection journal is a wonderful keepsake to encourage gratitude, resilience and happiness. Think about how to turn mistakes or difficult experiences into learning experiences. Try a range of activities that focus on positivity, including writing, drawing, or other creative pursuits each day.

Write, draw or make something each day that reflects:

  • how you feel
  • something you’ve learned
  • a positive mindset / outlook / mantra
  • your favourite part of the day
  • something you can do even better tomorrow
  • three things you are grateful for

Time Capsule

This unique time in history is one that our children are not likely to forget, but they are not likely to remember every detail. Capture a few pieces of documentation to store in their own time capsule for the next generation.

Draw, write, print or create memories, such as:

  • Family portrait / photos / handprints
  • All About Me page – name, age, interests, dislikes, pets, favourites, friends, etc
  • Stories about your pandemic experiences, such as hygiene measures in the community, celebrating a birthday in lockdown, or using online communication with school, friends and family, etc
  • Photos or creations of a new skill or activity
  • Writing about school occasions
  • Letters to and from family members

*Teaching notes supplied by Romi Sharp.

Please visit Skye Hughes’ website to download your own Teacher Resource Pack or Parent Resource Pack!


Follow Skye Hughes at these links:

Website: https://www.skyehughes.com.au/

Facebook | Instagram  

We’re All in This Together is available to purchase at Skye Hughes’ website.

Share your home experience for a CHANCE to WIN We’re All in This Together! 

Click here to ENTER to WIN a copy of the delightful We’re All in This Together!

Join us and together we will celebrate the release of the valuable picture book, We’re All in This Together with Skye Hughes, appearing at the following media sources…


Organised by Books On Tour PR & Marketing. Email: info.booksontour@gmail.com

One thought to “A Keepsake of Positivity: Educational Resources for We’re All in This Together”

  • Norah

    Great resources. Thanks, Skye.


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