#MaxBoothFutureSleuth #FilmFlip #BlogTour #BooksOnTourPR #Day3
Wowsers! What a combo! Hilarious and humble at the same time! We had an absolute ‘flippin’ ball interviewing the masterminds behind the Max Booth Future Sleuth series! Here they are – Cameron Macintosh and Dave Atze! 🙂
Congratulations on the release of another exciting book in the series – Max Booth #4: Film Flip!

CM: Thank you! I’m flipping across the room with excitement as we speak! It makes typing very difficult!

DA: Thanks, it’s so awesome getting to work on this series with Cam and see his futuristic world come to life.
How did the collaboration for the series first begin, and what tips can you give aspiring writers and illustrators on working as a partnership?
CM: If I recall correctly, when we were thinking about an illustrator for the series, the awesome Sharon Evans at Big Sky Publishing sent me a link to Dave’s website and said “How about this guy?” I checked out his work and very quickly said “Yes please!” The first step after that was to figure out what the characters and their world would look like, which Dave nailed very quickly.
DA: I got sent Max Booth 1 to read through and loved it. I thought this could be a cool after school cartoon one day! I want to be involved, So I got drawing some character concepts, Cam and the Big Sky team loved them and here we are.
CM: As far as working together goes, I think the best tip is to respect each other’s creative abilities and stay out of each other’s way as much as possible. I include illustration suggestions in my manuscripts but I love the fact that Dave interprets them in his own way and adds funny details I never would’ve thought of.
DA: Never be afraid to give constructive criticism, you will end up with a better book at the end. It’s always great to see thing from another perspective.
Have you surprised each other with any unusual or challenging ideas at any point? What secrets can you reveal about the process?
CM: Dave has surprised me many times with hilarious details he’s added in to so many of the illustrations. But the biggest surprise has been how closely Dave’s vision for the characters has matched the one I’d had in my head for the previous three years.
DA: I love all of Cam’s futuristic gadgets, robo-creatures and witty retro puns from the 80s and 90s. Challenging to come up with visuals of things that don’t exist yet, But very fun for sure!!
CM: Secrets… hmmm… well, Dave doesn’t know it, but I’m actually a time traveller from the year 2424, so I have some inside knowledge that has helped me ensure his artwork is on point. (Let me tell you, though, 21st century coffee is terrible! Not that I‘m blaming Dave.)
All that aside, I try to give nice clear ideas, and include quotes from the book to highlight the exact bit of text each illustration needs to complement.
DA: Cam’s notes help me out a lot. As I read a book, I get lots of ideas for things to draw and it is always good to hear what parts of the story the Author wants to highlight with a picture. Sometimes we agree and other times I’m Like “ Na, I wanna draw this instead”
Who works harder? Author or illustrator? 😉
CM: Definitely the illustrator! All I have to do is type stuff. Dave has to draw, which burns a lot more calories!
DA: Haa haa! Thanks Cam! I think both of us think the other person, As I couldn’t imagine having to sit down and write all those words and have an interesting story come out at the end. I love drawing more than writing, so it seems easier for me.
Which ‘ancient’ gadget or piece of technology was the most valuable, as you reflect on your childhood?
CM: It’d have to be the family’s VIC-20 computer, which plugged into the TV and allowed us to play games – loaded on cartridges and cassette tapes! I don’t remember doing anything useful with it, but it definitely made the other kids in the street think we were totally space-age!
DA: Atari 2600! Look it up, kids!
What is your favourite aspect or part of Max Booth Film Flip? Why?
CM: My favourite part of the book is when Max and Oscar escape from some baddies and have to slither across an old power line to get away. Dave’s illustrations capture their predicament brilliantly (check out pages 64 and 66, folks!)
DA: My fave part of all Max Booth books are Max and Oscars disguises. There’s always a reason for them to dress up!
Thank you, Cameron and Dave, for answering my questions!
CM: Thanks for having us. It’s been a Flippin’ delight!
DA: Anytime 😉
Do your own sleuthing and check out the homes of these awesome creators:
Cameron Macintosh: website | facebook | twitter | instagram
Dave Atze: website | instagram
Oh Snap! It’s the Film Flip #BookGiveaway!
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Cameron Macintosh and Film Flip will be featuring at a number of media sources…
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