#greatbarrierreefrescue #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5
Be one of the first to read this excerpt from Great Barrier Reef Rescue – when Rosie realises a new heroic adventure is imminent…
‘Rosie, wake up!’ Amy whispered, shaking me until I roused. A bush stone-curlew wailed, shattering the silence, as the first rays of morning light broke through the darkness.
I shivered, remembering last night’s horrific nightmare.
Had I really been a fish? Did sharks really hunt me down?
Flashbacks of death and Destructo were warning me: Don’t go on the mission.
I peeked out from beneath the doona. Amy switched the volume on the portable TV to low, careful not to wake Mum in the living room. A Channel 6 news crew appeared on the screen, interviewing a Great Barrier Reef action group. Their placards and chants spoke directly to me.
Educational Activity: Design and Create Your Own Great Barrier Reef Media
Want to be an eco warrior like Song Bird Superhero? You can!
First, watch this inspirational video by the legendary broadcaster and natural historian, Sir David Attenborough on the beautiful Great Barrier Reef. You’ll see why we should protect it. The coral spawn is my favourite!
Now, choose an environmental sustainability aspect to focus on and produce your own poster or video in an interesting, presentable and visually-pleasing way.
Karen Tyrrell’s Great Barrier Reef Rescue includes terrific tips on ways to help the Great Barrier Reef survive (pages 181 – 185). Some include picking up litter, reducing your plastic purchases, using public transport or bikes, being mindful of your water, electricity and gas usage, recycling and reusing, and using solar energy.
Make sure you display your poster or share your video around your school or local places to raise awareness. Good luck!
You can also visit karentyrrell.com for more FREE teachers’ notes and fun stuff for kids.
#education #literacy #socialscience #ecologicalawareness #conservation #greatbarrierreef
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3 thoughts to “An Excerpt from Great Barrier Reef Rescue PLUS Bonus Material!”
Love the excerpt you shared from Great Barrier Reef Rescue and the kids activity you shared base on the work my hero Sir David Attenborough!
Thanks, Karen! We loved them, too!
Great ways to engage children.